Happy New Years Eve. I didn't do the fun party this year because the family that normally hosts had plumbing issues and they are sick. I was able to hang out with my one friend mskate for a sort of new years thing. She doesn't stay up late ever so I got kicked out after we finished watching Rocky. It was fun seeing her and her brother. We caught up, tried to set up her brother's xbox live but couldn't, and that was kind of it. I left for home at about 10:20, so I watched Dick Clarks Rockin New Years Eve with Ryan Secrest with my family. It was fun. We got our hampster out so the whole family could enjoy the new year.
Earlier today I met up with my old 3rd grade teacher and her son and the son of one of my mom's teaching friends, and we built sleds out of news paper. I got inspired after seeing that episode of Mythbusters where they made a boat out of news paper. We left one of them at my teacher's house and left it to freeze. One fell apart because we tried to use it after freezing for 2 hours in 32 degree whether. We brought that back to my house so I can make a thing. It's a bit of a raft. Hopefully it'll freeze by tomarrow morning. I want to have fun. Later.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Today was fun. I visited with my grandparents on my dad's side. It was fun seeing them again. I got to have grandma beef. So good. My aunt also joined us for the fun. We all talked pollitics a little after a while. Mostly just talking about how the country is going to crap thanks to Obama and his policies. Also lost my phone today. We're due for an upgrade though so yay-ish. Later.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Today was fun. I went to CiCi's pizza buffet with my brother. Ate about half a pizza, 6 breadsticks, a soup bowl of pasta, and 2 brownies. Aftwerwards my brother and I went to see The Hobit and Unexpected Journey. Full review will come. Afterwards we went to Coney Island for dinner. I had a plain hotdog and stole some of my brother's fries. I got 3 of my Amazon orders; Component Video Cable (5 RCA)
, The Man Called Flintstone
and Pokemon Adventures, Volume 2: Wanted Pikachu (Pokemon Adventures (Viz Paperback))
. So glad they came, especially The Man Called Flintstone, since I've never seen the full movie, only the end 20 times. It used to be shown on Cartoon Network 3 times every year, but I would only be able to catch the last 5 minutes. Finally, I'll be able to see why Fred and Barney are in a rocket aimed at the moon and who the guy in the vulture suit is and why he's in that. Later.
Friday, December 28, 2012
So today I went to church, enjoyed TV, and stuff. Tomarrow I'll work on getting a job. And I decided that on the 20th before midnight, I'll do a live stream enjoying the end of the world. My brother has a bunch of bottle caps from his root bear, so we're financially set like in Fallout. Later.
Today was painful. Really painful. For starters I got a wart frozen on my foot. Now the area the wort is on is super callased, so initially I don't feel anything, at first. Then things got really painful. I was like "boy I don't fee anything. Now it's a little cold-OOOOOHHHH MY THAT HURTS REALLLY BAD!!!!!!!!" I got freezer burn on my foot. It hurt for a long time. Good thing I'm acustomed to walking on the blade of my foot. After the wart, I got alergy tested. That's 50 or so pricks on my back with alergens to test for alergies. Last time I was tested I was found severly alergic to most everything from just the pricks. This time I was only found on trees and grasses and some other things from the back. Good right, only so much itching right? Wrong. That which doesn't show up positive gets a more concentrated, general dose, injected into your arms. Because I got more negatives this time, I got way mor shots into my arm, like 20 as opposed to the origional 4. Here's my pain tolerances. I get less and less tollerant from my shoulders as I go down. Feel next to nothing at my shoulders, but hurts like crazy when it gets close to my elbows or lower back right above my pelvis. Also below my shoulder blades, it hurts the further I get away from my spine, like close to spine not much, but on my love handles/floating ribs hurts like crazy. Shoulder blades and spine area are where I get most of my zits, so the pain tolerance is much higher around there.
Well after all that fun, I enjoyed the new PS3. I played Fat Princess and Uncharted, really fun games. Why we didn't get one of these earlier instead of the 360? Well that's because my brother wanted to talk and play with his friends when playing Call of Duty and maybe halo. Whatever I didn't know it'd be this fun. Later.
Well after all that fun, I enjoyed the new PS3. I played Fat Princess and Uncharted, really fun games. Why we didn't get one of these earlier instead of the 360? Well that's because my brother wanted to talk and play with his friends when playing Call of Duty and maybe halo. Whatever I didn't know it'd be this fun. Later.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
So today was our break day. I watched TV, played the new PS3, found a great game to download game. I'm gonna get it and later do a review. It's Retro City Rampage. It's an 8-bit GTA sort of game with so many references to old school games. Dad, bro and I were going to go to a dinner close to our house that neither dad nor I went to so our first time. Problem was is that they are closed untill the day after I leave back for college. Our family went to Applebies for dinner. It was great. Later.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Today was fun. We did our Christmas thing with my grandparents like we do every year on Christmas eve. It was fun. More details tomarrow. Went to Christmas Eve mass. Cleaned up for the party tomarrow.Later.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Didn't do much today. I cleaned up for Christmas. Got caught up on Tenchi and Eureka since I've fallen behind. Heard a great thing about describing the country with Obama second term; "USA Windows Vista Edition." Later.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
So today I went to a funeral. It was really nice. I didn't know the guy that well since he's my aunt's second husbands dad and I just didn't know him all that well, but it was a really nice ceremony. The luncheon was at a country club, so I jokingly said "it's been a while since I've been in a county club," refering to my first job as a cadie. He was a veteran so there was a military thing with the honor guard and that was really nice. They had the flag on the caskit and played taps and presented the flag to the family. After that we went and visited my uncle's grave since the cemetary he's in is close to the one we were at. That was hard on me since I was really close to him. I went with my mom out shopping because she needed to do some last minute shopping. Later.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Happy end of the world. I spent time with my grandparents today. I went to the orthadontist and got my retainers. My grandparents took me to golden corral and it was yummy. Not much else. Later.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Happy end of the world. To comemorate, I'm going to be on blogTV broadcasting the last hours of life as we know it. You heard it here first, today at 11pm, live show. Today I emailed to people about an internship this summer. I organized my N64 games into my shelf in my bacement I need to get a wire rack for standard CD jewel cases since that's what PlayStation and Dreamcast games are on. I've got a wire rack for DVD cases so it's good for my PS2 and GameCube games but not jewel case games. I worked at getting some demos and videos on my XBOX360. I also went to a gun shop with my dad to look at 22 rifles. That was a cool place. There were some right wing bumperstickers on the counter. Felt good. Later.
Pokematic- Broadcast your self LIVE
Pokematic- Broadcast your self LIVE
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
I got up at 6 today to take my brother to school and get the car. It was interesting watching married with children on TV. I worked on my reasume and sent it out to people. It went well. I got to hang out with my best friend today. I got to try his wii u and zomby u is a great use of the game's controls. It's all real time and stuff. I had some fun with my brother when I got back and we went to McDonalds to eat off the dollar menue. I ended up getting a McRib since I've never had one, but had my colleges version of it. So good. Later.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
So today I worked on my reasume and cover letter. I moved the last of the standard def consoles down to the standard def tv. Now all I need to do is get them wired. I went to my brother's band concert and it was fun seeing people from high school. Had a med check and talked to my dad about getting a 22 rifle. Later.
Monday, December 17, 2012
So today I worked on my resume and cover letter. I think I have my reasume mostly done but I've got work to do on the cover letter. I listed some things on my ebay store. Hope they sell. Saw an old friend. It was fun catching up even though it was just for a half an hour. Later.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Today was fun. My family and I dipped pretzels, cookies, and...pretzels in chocolate today to give as gifts. Fun time. We had a family fire in our fire place. I went to the salvation army with my brother today and that was fun. I looked for a shelve/case thing for my games since I need a new one. They had a fileing cabinet but I want something that displays the collection a little better. Later.
Friday, December 14, 2012
So I came home today. Enjoyed watching Shaolin Soccer
on the way home. Also wrote some of a script of what a friend and I are gonna make. Went to a local pizza place and it's great. Enjoyed it a lont. Later.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
So today was get all my stuff packed up day. I wanted to watch some hulu/crackle movies, but the day got away from me. Oh well did do some major clean-up and stuffs. Later.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Happy last consecutive month day year date for another 89 years or something. I had my last 3 finals today. I had my first one at 8, second at 10:15, and 3rd at 2:45. For my stats class, let me put it this way, my null hypothesis is "I won't do well on the final," 95% confidence so 2-tail test test statistic of 1.96, and my critical value is 5. Now for you who don't know stats, that means that I think I did really well. I walked out of calc thinking "I blew that out of the water." Statics, one question I'm not to confident on. One guy told me what he was doing for some of the questions, and after trying to explain what he did wrong, I'm just thinking to myself, "you sir, failed with falling greyscale." I didn't say it because that would be a dick move, but no one reads this thing. I also waked by a guy who was smoking after his final, and one guy asked him what he was doing. Here's what I was thinking.
Sorry about the language of this post. Later.
Sorry about the language of this post. Later.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
So today I had no finals, but 3 tomarrow. I studied, and studied, and then reached full capacity at about 5 pm. Later.
Monday, December 10, 2012
So today I had my Physics final. It went fine, I think. The last problem I blanked on how to do. I had like 45 minutes left in the test. I took 30 minutes to figure out how to do it. I think I did it right. I finished doing the cheat sheets for my stats class. We're alowed 2 cheat sheets for the test. I got about 2 lines of text per blue line. Later.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
So I went to church, and studied my butt off. At abotu 5, after studying since 10, I shouted uncle. I feel prety prepaired, just got to do some last minute stuff. I also waited in line for 20 minutes in my dorm for a pancake. It was free, and good. Later.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Today, major studying. I ate, watched a few youtube videos here and there to break up the studying so I don't overheat my brain, and close to 8 hours of studying for finals. 3 on calc, 5 on stats. I'm gonna do the same tomarrow. On a hapier note, I found the title of a movie I saw once many years ago but couldn't for the life of me remember the name. It's quest for camelot, and the only thing I remember is a thing about the 3 rings, and a chicken ax. Later.
Friday, December 7, 2012
So today was the last day of classes. No more phys, statics, or calc. Still got the finals but classes done. If I don't come here in the next few days, don't worry, just nose to the grind. Later.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
So today was calc, phys lecture and lab. Phys lab was super hard. So glad that that's over. Also had last film makers meeting tonight. Got to see the work print of our short film. I'm a back ground character, so look for my fadora and sunglasses when it's done. Later.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Today I had statics, physics, and stats. Statics we took a test. I didn't prepair for it, but this time around I knew what I was doing. I'm feeling high 90s since I alwayse seem to screw some minor thing up and get a point knocked off. Physics we did this test thing to see how well we knew physics for future lessons or something. It was stuff we covered, and would get averaged into our test grade if it helped, but wouldn't if it hurt. Stats was go over some linear regression stuff and what might be on the final. I missplaced my phone and realized this on the bus to engineering campus. I thought it might have fallen out of my pocket in physics, so I'm freaking out a little. I had all my stuff ready to spend some quality time at emgineering campus and do homework, but I instead go back after stats and first look to see if I could get into the room to check. Then when I couldn't, I go back to my room and check my desk, since that's where I tend to leave it. Not there, so I'm freaking out. I glance over at the futon and there it is. Yay. Got all my homework done before 5, so then I was like, "now what?" since my medication for ADHD is good untill about 7. Oh well. Went to the last gathering of college republicans of the semester tonight. Fun times. Later.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Today went quite well. Calc got cancled because senior design project presentations. We get there, and our room is being used. There's a schedule of who's going to be there, and they're going on during our class period. My professor didn't know about it, so he was suprised like us. He said "well I guess class is cancled for today. I will post the lecture notes online so look them over when you can." Sure I waist an hour comuting since it's a 30ish minute bus ride one way. Oh well, no class. I had phys lecture. Nothing special there. Stats lab was cool. We had a SUPER hard assignment to do after the "lecture" part where we learn how to do it in minitab and such. And I mean this was super hard, like I'm not sure I did it corectly. We had to sign our name and then check a box to get 20 points for lab credit. I wanted to put an "x" or go zorro and put a "z" but the directions clearly indicated a check. After that I did homework, stats and calc. I got my stats done and have some more calc to do. Later.
Monday, December 3, 2012
So today was calc, stats, statics, and phys. Had stats test today. I feel ok, like I'll pull a decent grade. I ran out of time for the last problem and think I may have studdied a few of the wrong things. I spent some good time working on calc and statics homework. I am so ready for this semester to be over. Good news for me. One of my posts made it to the front page of 9gag today. Wasn't origional content but oh well. Later.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Today I had statics, calc, and physics. Had a quiz in calc, feel good on it, and had last test that isn't final in physics. I feel really confident in both. I did my statics homework, and some of my stats homework. I had pokemon league meeting. I got my second victory tonight. I borrowed a friends deck while he did some work on my decks, becase he likes building decks, and with what I have available, it's a challenge. Today was also the beird off with my dorm. I would explain it, but I'll let the video speak for it's self.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
So today I had calc, phys lecture and lab. I forgot my lab manual in my room so I had to run back to get it. And I mean literally run. When I got back, I was like, "can I die now?" Later.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
I can talk. It's great. I still cough and I think the problem is that my nose is dripping in the back of my nose and it's getting in my breathing way when I breathe. Had calc, phys, and stats lab. When trying to figure out the statics homework, I had no idea what I was doing for all of the problems, so I looked up how to do them online. Couldn't find the way to do the first problem, but then I found the answer in the back of my book, and it's the same excact numbers. I felt soooooo smart. Later.
Monday, November 26, 2012
First day back. It kind of sucked with my sickness and all. I wasn't able to ask my friends how their breaks were. So I had statics, calc, phys, and stats. I did statics homework for about 2 and a half hours, 1 and a half trying to do it, and an hour looking up the answers online. Just missing one answer, but I think I can figure this one out on my own. Not a fan of this statics homework. Had my students for life meeting. Hacked up a lung this morning. Still caughing now. Hope I can clear this up. Now for late night cary out. Later.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
So today was get me back to college day. It was a fun break. I got caught up on what I missed on Toonami last night. I feel like I would have done more today, but was coming out of my sickness and was just super lathargic. Later.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
So today was a day of relaxation. Last day of my break. I got up, enjoyed my muffin, and watched some TV. My family did the forge where we melted down the rest of the scrap can aluminum I've been saving up for years. We got some nice blobs. We set up our Christmas decorations, like the tree and all our nativities. I had some good beef for my last dinner hear for a while. Still sick. We're going to have a family fire tonight. Those are fun. Later.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Happy day after Thanksgiving, black friday for some people. I found out I have a virus that's been going around. For kids it makes them hard to breath but for adults it just makes up uncomfortable and makes it impossible to talk. The way to help, hot showers/humidifyer, hot tea, and this hurbal stuff that I got at whole foods. They are nice people, and helped me out since I couldn't talk. My family went out to Applebees and I got riblets. They were good. I surfed the web and stuff, and had a fun, kind of nerdy, conversation with my one cousin. I guess I should have seen the loss of voice coming since my voice changed last night black friday shopping and when I woke up I couldn't talk untill I hacked up a gnarly, chunky, flemball. You may now start cleaning puke off your key board. Later.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Feels so good being home. I had one class today, statics. It was a 2ish hour car ride home. For dinner I had steak, real steak, amazing steak. So good. It was also nice being able to shower without needing to wear shoes. Looking forward to being able to sleep in my own bed. I also took back bottles and cans with my brother. Got some gas money. Look forward to thanksgiving with my grandparents. Later.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
So yesterday I had statics, calc, physics, and stats. I did some homework, but the big thing was later that night at the engineering campus. We had a lip sync contest for stats class for extra credit. I don't really know how it relates to stats, but I got extra credit for doing something that I'd do just for fun. A group of guys did the robin hood men it tights song. One of my friends did an African warior dance, and since he's from Africa, he did it really well, and did a war call on his way down to the stage. It was quite entertaining. I did a lipsync to "Hold the Line" by Toto. Once I get my copy of my performance, I'm going to see about getting it up on somewhere for you good people to see. It was quite fun. After the contest, it was like 10 pm, and since I had a class the next day at 9 and both were at the engineering building, and since people do spend the night there, I figured, "why not?" I found one of the study areas, pulled together the lounge chairs for a makeshift bed, and slept there that night. At 3 I had to go to the bathroon and I someone else was also there. Interesting. I also found out the hard way that they turn the heat off at night, so my hoodie had to do. I also found out how loud a trashcan on wheels is when it's the only thing in the hallway. I woke up at 8, and when I climbed out of my "bed," there was a guy in the study area just doing work. Well now it's time for the next day.
I saw my friends from class and they were comenting on me staying there all night. I had my stuff for class ready. One of my friends who also did the lip sync thing and class with me said he would have also done the overnight at engineering building if he knew I was doing it. He was lucky for not, because I'm not to happy about my choice. It was definately an experience, but it's cold, uncomfortable, and not really easy to sleep. I'm glad I did it, definately an experience, but not the best idea. I think I have a chill and my back and neck hurt. Oh well, can't believe I'm saying this, but YOLO. I had calc and phys. There was a quiz in phys. I took a nap after doing the reading for phys. Still tired. Later.
I saw my friends from class and they were comenting on me staying there all night. I had my stuff for class ready. One of my friends who also did the lip sync thing and class with me said he would have also done the overnight at engineering building if he knew I was doing it. He was lucky for not, because I'm not to happy about my choice. It was definately an experience, but it's cold, uncomfortable, and not really easy to sleep. I'm glad I did it, definately an experience, but not the best idea. I think I have a chill and my back and neck hurt. Oh well, can't believe I'm saying this, but YOLO. I had calc and phys. There was a quiz in phys. I took a nap after doing the reading for phys. Still tired. Later.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Today was a lazy day. I did some packing for going home. I cut together my "I get a badge video." Might upload that later, but it's not all that great. Probably a metacafe video. Watched Daria and The Tin Drum. Tin Drum is an ok movie. Later.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
I did lots of homework. I did stats, wrote the stats "cheat sheet" for the upcoming test, the physics problems, and my write up for my problem. I watched maybe 5 episodes of Daria. So funny. Later.
I had Calc, Phys, and statics. The fun thing was when I went to my pokemon league, I got a badge. I knew I was going to get one, and recorded the battle that got me it. Here's the raw footage of me getting the badge.
After that I did double battles. Those were fun. We went later than normal, which meant that I had to stream cartoon network to watch Cartoon Planet. It actually went over quite well since we're all geeks and grew up with those cartoons. After that I watched The Shawshank Redemption
with my floor. It was amazing. You should go see it, so long as you're alowed to since it is rated R. But great. Later.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
So I had statics, phys, and stats. Went to college republicans. Got to meet one of our state reps. That was cool. My dorm had an Engineering Jepardy. Once again proving that engineers quiz each other on math and science. I ended up winning. The topics were pre-calc, calc 1, phys 1, gen chem 1, and study strategies. I got a Hershy Bar, cookies and cream variety, a notebook of graph paper, and a pack of mechanical pencils. I'm going to give them to my brother since he actually uses mechanical pencils. Later.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
Had calc, phys, stats, and statics. I bombed my statics test, but I think some things might be chalengable. Did my static homework, and it wasn't easy. I got my alergy shots. Later.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Today was nice. Didn't have anything to do today, and it's not just me not remembering, I didn't have anything. I washed my sheets since I haven't done them since school started. I got caught up on Eureka 7. Not much else. Later.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
So I didn't do a whole heck of a lot today. My friend from high school needed me as a research subject for an assignment for english class. It was fun. I did my physics reading. I skyped my parents, and since my godfather and his family are staying with my family for the night tonight, I got to skype them as well. Fun times. I wrote my dark knight rises review. Also comited to doing a comedy routine for a tallent show for my dorm. Unofficially. Just my RA asking if I'd do it again if we do a tallent show, and I said yes. Later.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Sorry I neglected this blog for a few days. Been kind of busy. I almost won a match in pokemon today, but that was because I had the best guy in the leage there tonight as a teemate. I'm so close to a badge. Also, on wednesday with college republicans, we were all dissapointed. Told some jokes about the stupidity of society. Yester I went to see the dark knight rises with my floor at the movie on campus. Fun time even though it cut into my sleep and I had 2 quizes and a test the next day. Not to confident on the test. I blanked on the 2nd problem of 3 total. At most I can get a 65%. Oh well. Sh*t happens. Later.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
So statics, calc, and phys. Had stats test that I think I did well on. I knew everything except for maybe 2 problems out of 20. Had my students for life meeting and western filmmakers association meeting. My dorm got ahold of a pre-release of halo 4 since we have a microsoft rep. I did a live stream of it. I also recorded it so it's going up on dailymotion. Later
Friday, November 2, 2012
Stats quiz, Calc quiz, and phys test. I got my 2nd dose of the HPV shot, so no cervical cancer for me. I did laundry. I played pokemon with my league. Later
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Happy first day of November. Had Calc and phys lecture and lab. Got my work done. Not much else. Later.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Halloween 2012
Normally I would put this on my main blog, but unfortunately not much to talk about. I dressed as Quagmire from Family Guy. Hate the show but I have the necessary clothes for Quagmire, Hawian shirt, jeans, and atempted part down the midder of my hair. I wore it all day, told my friends who I was. I said "gigady gigady." I went around trick-or-treating on my floor, but didn't get lots of people answering their doors, and most people didn't have candy but thought it was funny. I did get pudding, an apple, and a bag of candy. Candy from my RA. I went down to the loby and asked the front desk and they didn't have anything. The guys that were hanging out in the loby thought it was funny. Later.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Calc, phys, and stats lab. I went to an ALD holloween party. Not many people showed. Oh well. Later.
Monday, October 29, 2012
So I had calc, stats, phys, and statics. I left halfway through physics because I needed to go to advising so I would know what I need for one more class. I worked for hours on statics homework, and I think I ended up running around in circles with one thing. I got my absentee ballot in the mail. Yay. Later.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
So today I went to church, and saw a friend there. We walked back to campus and talked about life since we haven't seen each other in a while. I helped a guy with a video project. It went longer than expected. I had a moster slim jim, candy and a lemon for dinner since I missed it because the project took longer than it was scheduled. I went to the boobie bash at my dorm. I played water pong, witch is beer pong without the beer, since it's a dorm event. No booze at official events. Later.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
So today I went to calc and phys lecture and lab. I didn't go crazy in lab today. Yay. I went to a thing about what the balot proposals actually are. I now put my choices on my absentee ballot. Tomarrow I'll put the rest in and get it into the mail so it get counted. Later.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
So today was statics, physics, and stats. I had my college republicans meeting. It's alwayse fun with them. I was able to finish all my homework kind of quickly, so I was like, now what. Lol. Later.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
So calc, phys, stats, and statics. Spent hours doing statics homework. Went to a pizza party with Bethany Christian adoption to celebrate the good time with the Catelynn and Tyler event. Then had a meeting with the film club I'm in. There's a good chance I'll be heading a future youtube/vimeo account. Later.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
So today I went to church, evening mass because I overslept. I did homework. Had a nice salad for dinner. Watched some TV. Later.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
So I did most of my homework, watched TV and hulu. Time Squad on Cartoon Network Video, for the win. Wrote a review of Ted. Read it here. Also made a lets play of the PETA game Pokemon Black and Blue. Such a horrible game. Now watchings TV. Later.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Today was calc, phys lecture and lab. I fried my brain yet again during lab. The need to draw all these different relations, the time restraint, just the thought makes me start repeating what I just said. Said just repeat. Back to normal. Did homeworks and stuff. My days just seem to fly right by. Later.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Sorry about neglecting. Got kind of busy. Yesterday was pro-life day of silence. Some guy started harrasing us. You run that risk when doing stuff like that. I got my scheduling done, for the most part. So tired right now. When I was watching the debates last night, since they were up and walking around, I was just waiting for a fist fight to break out. They were getting in each other's faces and neering yelling. Now that would have been great. Now how would the secret service handle that. Obama has his guards and Romney has his. "You can't hit the president." "You can't hit the govenor." I'm not saying this should happen, but it would make politics more interesting. Later.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Today was doing diff equ and statics. I went to church. Tomarrow is the big stats test so wish me luck. Later.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Sorry I missed yesterday. Today was test days. Quiz in statics and tests in both diff equ and phys. Played Pokemon with my league. Funny thing happened. We have a satirical news paper at my college and one of the reporters came to the cafe to interview random people where the Pokemon League gathers and the Gamers Guild. She was adressing one guy by "HEY NERD," and everyone within ear shot looks over at her. That is when you have no choise in realizing that you're a nerd and you hang out with nerds. LOL. Later.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
So last night I dreamped that I was with a guy that was having a heart atack. I didn't know him, infact I think I was just exiting something that had to do with an Adam Sandler movie and he was some guy in a scene. It was like early on, getting the pain in his right arm, and I think he's had one before. I asked where his nitro-glyceran tablets were, he didn't have them, so I'm yelling for someone to get me some nitro-tablets. For those of you who don't know, when people suffer from heart attacks, they get a pocket jar of nitro-glyseren pills to put under their toung and it like breaks up the clot or something. It might be something else other than nitro-glyseran, it's been a while since I took that part of first aid, but they do have little pills to put under their toung if they think they're having another attack. My grandpa has them. Soon after some pills were found, the alarm went off so I don't know what would have happened next. Well now I can say that I can do first aid in my sleep, since I just did it in my dream, correctly might I add, and would have continued to do proper first aid, and earlier this week I got a big splinter in my palm right when I woke up so not fully alert.
Now for the rest of my day. Had statics, physics, diff equ, and stats. I had my college republicans meeting, and went to the roadhouse afterwards for socialization time. Talked with the president of sudents for concealed carry. He had some stories about how he made fools of the police here since it's compleatly leagle to carry on the grounds so long as you have CC certification. The gun free thing doesn't matter unless you go into a classroom building or dorms. We also just talked about other things but the second amendment was kind of big. Later.
Now for the rest of my day. Had statics, physics, diff equ, and stats. I had my college republicans meeting, and went to the roadhouse afterwards for socialization time. Talked with the president of sudents for concealed carry. He had some stories about how he made fools of the police here since it's compleatly leagle to carry on the grounds so long as you have CC certification. The gun free thing doesn't matter unless you go into a classroom building or dorms. We also just talked about other things but the second amendment was kind of big. Later.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Today was really cool. But before I get to that, diff equ, physics, and stats lab today. I also helped one of my friends out over facebook with his calc 3 homework. Now for the big thing. The Pro-Life group that I'm in hosted an event with MTV's Catelynn and Tyler from 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom. Read all about it. Later.
Monday, October 8, 2012
So today I woke up and got a splinter from my bed in my right palm. It was right at the base and hurt like hell. I throw my pants on and get to the bathroom to dig it out. Those of you with weak stomacks may want to stop reading right now and skip ahead to the rest of my day. So I'm over a sink. I see that it's lodged a little deep into my skin, like under the 3rd layer. I initially try to gently coax it out but that just hurts more. So I search around in my pocket for my knife. Its a decent size splinter mind you, not one of those little tiny ones but maybe a full 16th of an inch wide at the base and 8th long. I flip open the blade and start gently making an incision. I'm getting there. Enough skin has been cut to remove it. Then I take the tip and use it to pry the sucker out. I just woke up mind you and my eyes aren't fully adjusted, so I'm doing this half blind. I see that some blood is starting to make the "work area" messy so I decide to rince it out so that I can see what I'm doing. After rincing, it's clean. Either it fell out during the prying or the rincing. Now I clean the area, and my knife, rather well. Washed with soap and hot water multiple times. Then I went back to my room to bandage it up. Still a little tender now but that's expected.
It's now safe to read again. So I got my statics text back today, 95% woot. Had diff equ. Had phys and got 100 on my quiz. Had stats. Stayed at engineering building to finish my homework and met up with some friends on the bus. One of my friends isn't to confident in his test, so he offered to buy the other fiend and I dinner if he got above 80%, dessert if above 90%, a round of lazer tag if 100%, and if somehow over 100%, tuition was on him. Strange to bet against yourself, but hey. Chalked for the Teen Mom Catelynn and Tyler event tomarrow. Should be good. Also went to my filmmakers club. Later.
It's now safe to read again. So I got my statics text back today, 95% woot. Had diff equ. Had phys and got 100 on my quiz. Had stats. Stayed at engineering building to finish my homework and met up with some friends on the bus. One of my friends isn't to confident in his test, so he offered to buy the other fiend and I dinner if he got above 80%, dessert if above 90%, a round of lazer tag if 100%, and if somehow over 100%, tuition was on him. Strange to bet against yourself, but hey. Chalked for the Teen Mom Catelynn and Tyler event tomarrow. Should be good. Also went to my filmmakers club. Later.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
So today I went to church and didn't have my shoes and wore my crocks on the walk. It was cold. Today mostly watched TV, called my god father, skyped my parents, and surfed the web. Enjoyed my day to myself. Later.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
Today was a test day. Quiz in calc and phys and test in statics. I got my alergy and flu shots today. Did laundry because I litterally ran out of clean clothes. I also got ditched by my fellow trainers. No one else showed up to the meeting today, so I'm sitting there with my cards and no one to battle. Lame. Later.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Ok so today was calc and phys and phys lab. Got my stats homework done today. Catching up on casshern sins. Later.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
So today was statics, phys, and stats. I'm really not liking sadistics. It just doesn't click like everything else. Like at all. I can pull through the homework but it's like hard to comprehend. I went crazy doing my homework tonight. Here, enjoy my pain.
Watched the presidential debate, and Obama kept throwing out the same talking points we've all heard, and then Romney would destroy the talking points and show who he was. Good job Mitt. Later.
Watched the presidential debate, and Obama kept throwing out the same talking points we've all heard, and then Romney would destroy the talking points and show who he was. Good job Mitt. Later.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
I burned out my brain today. I busted my butt to get my homework done, and it didn't help that I had a 3 hour lab and 2 other classes ammounting to 5 hours of class, and it was crazy since stats takes forever to do.later
Monday, October 1, 2012
So today was statics, phys, calc, and stats. I did lots of statics homework. I did corrections for my phys quiz. I did the last question right but got marked down for it. I went to my students for life meeting and went to filmmakers club. Later
Sunday, September 30, 2012
So it would seem youtube is taking politics into it's own hands by censoring political videos that don't agree with Obama and videos from users who are critical of him. YouTube, I hope you know the saying about the founding fathers putting the second amendment into the constitution incase the government forgot the first. This isn't a threat, but I'm sure the big users will take their business, and all the ad money they generate, elsewhere. In a business like that you can't let personal politics get in the way. I went ot church with my grandparents and we said our goodbyes. I went through a vast majority of my pokemon cards to look for ones that are in neer perfect shape so I can put them in my binder at some point while the others with their dings and bends I'll play with. Watched Good Will Hunting and replied to some businesses about an internship this summer. Later.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
My grandparents came to visit, so I'm at the hotel with them. It's nice being able to enjoy the hotel. I did some statics homework. Last night I watched Power Rangers Lost Galaxy in my bed and finished it. Love hulu and the fact that my room gets wifi. Later.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
I had phys, calc, and phys lab. What was really cool was that there was an engineering expo today. I went to many different companies in hopes of finding an internship this summer, because I don't want to clean toilets again. I think I got some good leads. Also got some free stuff. I also got a mouse pad since my dad needs a new one for his lap top. I ran into an old professor who was looking around at the different companies. I jokingly asked him if the college wasn't working for him anymore. He told me what he was really doing and it was nice talking to him again. Later.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
statics, phys and stats. Hulled butt when it came to phys homework and pre-lab. Had College Republicans. Preped for the Engineering Expo tomarrow. Just tired. Later.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Calc, phys and stats lab today. I was feeling overwhelmed with the homework for phys and stats but it turned out to be rather easy. Found the simpsons 3d online. So cool since I remember the comercials for it from way back in the day. Later.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Got the problem I was having with my computer solved. Turns out it was the chat feature in elearning. Statics, diff equ, physics, and stats. Later
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
So today was diff equ, physics, and statistics lab. Lab went faster than normal. The pizza I had from the caf was undercooked. Other than that, nothing else. Later.
Monday, September 17, 2012
I don't like mondays to much. I have every class today, and then because I ran out of clothes, I had to do laundry out of necessity. Uhhhhh. Tiring. I read most of this great ebook called "Obama: The Greatest President in the History of Everything
It's quite funny and at the moment free on kindle. Also watched Teenagers from Outer Space. It's a cheesy sci-fi movie. Later.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Today I oversleped and missed morning church, so I went to evening mass. Today I had breakfast pizza and surfed the web today. Not much else. Later.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Today was rather boring. I mainly worked on homework, like all day. Then at 9PM my floor had a movie night, where we watched The Dictator
. Super politically incorect film. Very racist and sexist, but still funny. There were about 10 of us watching it, and one girl. She was there to do homework and kind of hang out with us. She left after some of the "tame" sexist jokes. One guy was complaining that it was a sausage fest and another about how so few people showed up. A fair way through they were both happy that it was a sausage fest and low turn out respectively. The girls would hate us for the laughing. Later.
Friday, September 14, 2012
So it was statics, phys and diff equ. Phys and diff equ had quizes. I neer the end of the phys quiz I realized that I did the wrong units, and with few minutes left, I panicked and I think I screwed up the end when redoing it. Today was the first meeting of the Pokemon League I'm a member of. I did enough battles to win some League only cards. Later.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Phys and diff equ and phys lab. For some reason, I was really hyper at the phys lab. I was still on my concerta so I was still focussed, but I was thinking a mile a minute. I had to do stats homework with a stats proram that was supposed to be on the main campus computer lab computers, but the license was expired or something, so I had to go over to the engineering campus where it was properly installed. Unfortunately the bus left before I could get to the bus stop, so I had to wait 30 minutes for the next bus. Oh well. Got the work done, but for some reason, the lab computers don't like me to much at the engineering campus, or any computer there. They never let me log in properly so I can print there. So after getting that work done, I had to go to the main campus lab to print. Exercise I guess. Later.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Phys, statics and statistics, not in that order. Did my phys homework and the last problem was evading me, then when I did it in the last homework atempt, I got it right, but a different one wrong so no net change in score. Went to my first college republicans meeting. It's gonna be fun. Wish I could have stayed for socialization but I'm just to tired to do much. Later.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
I took multiple moments of silence in memory of the lives lost 11 years ago. I remember I was in 3rd grade, I think there was an anouncement or something, but with my ADHD I missed what happened. The first thing I remember was my teacher saying "they're over." I remember we didn't do much else during the day, and that most of our class was taken home. I was one of the few left at school. It wasn't untill later in the week did I learn what happened. Never forget.
Today I had diff equ, physics, and stats lab. Further in the day I was really tired. I realized that it wasn't just that I didn't get enough sleep, but rather that I let my brain go idle for to long, and when I'm on my concerta, it's kind of like a computer in that if it isn't used for a while, it goes into sleep mode. The only way to wake it up is to make it do work. Now I know, so I won't let it idle. Even if it's trivial or I don't have a problem infront of me, gotta keep it working. Later.
Today I had diff equ, physics, and stats lab. Further in the day I was really tired. I realized that it wasn't just that I didn't get enough sleep, but rather that I let my brain go idle for to long, and when I'm on my concerta, it's kind of like a computer in that if it isn't used for a while, it goes into sleep mode. The only way to wake it up is to make it do work. Now I know, so I won't let it idle. Even if it's trivial or I don't have a problem infront of me, gotta keep it working. Later.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Today was diff equ, statics, statistics, and physics. I did some major physics questions and I think my brain is about to leak out my ears. Not much else. Later.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Today I went to church. I got there a little early, like 30 minutes early. I alwayse seem to mess up the first mass. I went to a mixer with the engineers. I had a good hamburger and a fruit punch capreee sun. I remembered how to properly put the straw in the pouch from back in my childhood. I was talking to this one girl about math and she said she had calc 2 and I replyed with "so you got the easy stuff." She did think it was easy. Oh us engineers. I watched "Good Will Hunting" on hulu finally. Good movie asside from the copius amounts of profanity. Save that word kids, it's one of those 25 cent words. Later.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Sorry I haven't posted in a week or so. School and back to college life has taken up a lot of time. I've also just kind of been forgetting with other things. Had my first week. Had fun at a 90s game night my dorm threw yesterday. Just about all my friends are in my physics class, and those that aren't are in other classes. My Gold and Silver 1 oz. Silver Coin came in. It's really cool. I think I'll make it through the year. Today was loads of free crap bash. I got a lot of papers and stuff, pens, cups, a water bottle, and keychains. Get this, someone from planned parrenthood was passing out condums. Free condums, and then when they fail, business for them unfortunately. Later.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Happy laybor day. I basically spent my day enjoying my last day of summer. Tomarrow starts classes. I did buy my books. Get this, I have my old physics book and the required book I had to buy is the same as the old one just without the questions at the end of the chapter. If I don't need those questions, I will return the one I baught today. I watched a long, 2.5 hour documentary on disney made by a guy I subscribe to on youtube. It was very informative. I also finally got around to editing together my family guy critique. I still need to make a safe for hyper-sensative to copyright youtube version, but that doesn't require much. Just need to remove the family guy stuff and put in titles inplace of the "clips." Later.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
I'm now officially in colege. My parents dropped me off and after needing to get me a new clock, they left me for good, for now. Didn't do much. Set up my room some more but that was kind of it. I finished editing my Rocky Horror is BS video. I'm just tired now. Later.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Well today was move in day. I might do a better full blog on it, but lets see how far I get with this. We get up, pack up the last things, and then head up to my college. We unpack everything aaaaand I'm to tired to go details. I unpacked. We went out to dinner and I had a steak and ribs combo. I got the steak medium well even though I don't really like medium well. I just wanted to have it since I can since in the future I'll be eating piece of carbon hamburgers. Be on the look out for a full blog. Later.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Last day of August, also my last day of summer. I had a dream that coincided with today. Read here. Today was mostly clean up, get my last loose ends tied up, do some pack up, and just enjoy the rest. Here's a funny thing. I went down to the bacement twice to get somethings from down there and throw the clothes in the dryer. Neither time did I do that. Then I went down to the bacement to throw the clothes in the dryer, and I did, but I didn't turn it on. Then I go down for the 4th time to turn it on. For dinner we went to our local really good pizza place, sillas. Had to enjoy some good pizza before I have nothing but bad pizza for a while. Later.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Today was great. I went to the water park on a free pass. I had fun there for about 3 hours. And guess who I ran into, darkenedoptomist. It was just a "hey a coincidence." We hung out for some time. Caught up on things since we haven't been able to hang out at all during the summer. After that, I thought I was going to be done, but guess what, zeldamaster93 asked me to help him out in finding a laptop for college. We went to best buy to test drive some models to see what he likes and what he doesn't. We found that he likes a 15 inch with a number pad like a normal key board. Now I'm watching the Romney speech. I don't care who you are, this man can give a speach. Romney 2012. Later.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Well today I went to lunch with my grandparents at Pizza Hut. Got me a P'zone. Thems good. We also went snack shoping. I use shoping loosly because it was more reasuring my grandparents that I have food in my room. They're alwayse afraid if I have food to eat. They kept pointing to things and saying "hey I think you need that" to which I would neerly almost replay "no I already got that." Lots of things I already had, like cheese its and sunflower seeds and chocolate. And then I reminded them of the cafe/convienence store that takes the dinning dollars. I think I got through to them. I converted tapes for my mom. Now I have just 1 left. Later.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Today was cool. I went to see the Expendables 2, what a manly movie. It was good. I also went to Loagan's Road House with my grandpa. It was fun. Later.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Today was interesting. My brother and I went to American Jewelry and Loan, the home of hard core pawn. Read here. After that, we tried to go see Ted. Tried is the key word, since I ended up getting bad mapquest directions to the theater, and I had no way of trying to aquire that info, and us just having fun getting lost. Oh well, still got a picture with Les. Later.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Today not much happened. I went to church with my family. I watched Media Malpractice on hulu. Dinner was awesome. We went to this new resaurant that does pizza and stuff. Here's what made it different, there were no waiters or hosts. You grab a little "reserved" sign and stake out your place. Instead of someone coming to take your order, you go up to an order place and say what kind of pizza you want, and they make it infront of you. Then you pay at a register right after the pizza was made. You get your drink and fill it at the drink fountain, like at a McDonalds. Once your Pizza cooks, they call out your name and you go get it yourself. This was some, then if you need a take out box, it's right next to the drink station. They bus your table. The atmosphere was great, but atmoshere doesn't make a restaurant, but then the pizza was amazing. It had that good burnt flour taste on the bottom, great crisp to the crust, when double peperoni is ordered, they put the first layer of peperoni under the cheese and the second layer on top of the cheese, right amount of sause to cheese to crust ratio, just amazing. Then the icing on the cake was when I ran into an old high school friend, the mascot of my senior year. He worked there and was on his break, so I had some time to talk with him. What was really interesting was that he now has a nice moustache. He said he was working on a curle, but it was to short. Good to see him again. Later.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Today was the first time my dad and I smelted and casted aluminum from scrap I was able to get off pop cans and other things. We have a small forge, crucible, some tools, char cole, and a desire to have fun melting pop cans. Since my brother went to this metal casting course, he was telling us all that we were doing wrong, and we're like, "so, it's fun." I had probably a 5 gallon bucket full of scrap, and we melted down most of it. Now I have some cool looking blobs. Maybe I'll get around to putting them on myspace. My family engaged in our time honored tradition of watching Pooh's Grand Adventure before the begining of the school year. I humor my mom. And it's day 2 of the Hulu new lay out war. They started a discussion for us users to tell them what we don't like and how we would improve on it. This makes me happy since I started probably 3 discussions about different issues and engaged on maybe 6 others. It looks more like the netflix UI, which sucks. Netflix UI sucks, in almost every way, but the only reason people don't complain is because no comercials. I told them this, and I hope they listen, because the great UI was what kept it from being an inferior netflix copy cat. Glad they're listening, and hopefully will consider all the feedback, since the worst thing a major company can do is piss off their users, and with netflix being a good alternative, they'd better listen otherwise they'll go bankrupt. Later.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Today I went to see my brother's marching band preformance. Those guys are good. I saw some old friends there as well. I cleaned my futon matress since it hasn't been cleaned, ever. Figured it was a good idea before the dorm life began again. While watching the documentary "Chasing Ghosts," a documentary about the best argade gamers ever, like Billy Mitchel and Roy Schilts, I came up with the idea of doing a short documentary about what the quest to become a pokemon master means to different people, mainly those in my pokemon league. Hopefully I get around to making it. and yesterday, I had a dream and it began to get weird, like the people in the dream were yelling at me because I didn't know some things, so I decided it was time to wake up, and it was my normal wake up time of 8:30 ish. Later.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Today was fun. I watched the pilot of MTV's The Inbetweeners. It's kind of funny but a bit excentric. I went to see The Dark Knight Rises. I really enjoyed it. Hope to do full review later. It was a good time, even though I had to go to the bathroom because I couldn't hold it any longer neer the climax. Luckily my grandpa was able to fill me in. I was starting to feel it in my blood stream. Oh well, later.
Monday, August 20, 2012
I got my hair cut today, but because I was a bit out of it because I was tired, I got it a little to short. Oh well, no maintenece and it'll never get messed up untill it gets long again. Bright side. Today was the last day of my job. I'm quite happy. Now I don't have to worry about work. I cleaned matts, like gym matts. I turned in my keys. Now no more. Later.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Today I cleaned my rug carpet for my dorm. I watched bar rescue on hulu plus. I went to an ice cream social for the band and saw some high school friends. Had a nice conversation with a friend who is also in college. One of my high school friends is a broney, so I asked him what the draw was, and he made some good points, like that it's made by the woman who made power puff girls and is married to the guy who made Dexter's Lab and that there's a bunch of references and stuff. That's cool. Later.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Today was both sad and happy. Today was my friend's mom's funeral. It was nice to see him again before schol started again, but it would have been nice if it were on happier terms. Here's this for small world, one of my mom's college friends is his aunt. I didn't know his mom, but from the service, she sounded amazing.
After the funeral, I went to a graduation/birthday party/end of the summer party thrown by one of my high school friends who is one year younger than me. She was one of my ilose friends, unfortunately none of the ilose friends showed up except for me and ET, at least I think his ilose name is ET. Unfortunately he isn't one of the ones who is really into Pokemon, just knows it well enough to keep up with those of us that are. Oh well. I did get to hang out with mimbinski, whom I haven't been able to hang out with at all this summer, for all different reasons. Oh well. It was fun hanging out with him. Party friend, her mom is really into crafts, so there were lots of craft activities. We tie dyed and made parachord bracelets. My brother and I were the ones who knew how to make the bracelets so we were the one's teaching people how to do them. Later.
After the funeral, I went to a graduation/birthday party/end of the summer party thrown by one of my high school friends who is one year younger than me. She was one of my ilose friends, unfortunately none of the ilose friends showed up except for me and ET, at least I think his ilose name is ET. Unfortunately he isn't one of the ones who is really into Pokemon, just knows it well enough to keep up with those of us that are. Oh well. I did get to hang out with mimbinski, whom I haven't been able to hang out with at all this summer, for all different reasons. Oh well. It was fun hanging out with him. Party friend, her mom is really into crafts, so there were lots of craft activities. We tie dyed and made parachord bracelets. My brother and I were the ones who knew how to make the bracelets so we were the one's teaching people how to do them. Later.
Friday, August 17, 2012
It's friday, so almost naturally I forgot that I had to come in at 11 am instead of 1 pm. I rush out, don't really have much to eat, working off of a lemon and 2/3 of a costco chocolate muffin. Lucky for me it was someone's birthday so I had an apple studle, or something like that. Since I rushed out I didn't have time to make myself a lunch for work, so I had nachos from the cafe for dinner. They were good. I cleaned trash cans today. Hopefully my last day is monday. Today was the cruse fest in my city, a local version of the woodward dream cruse. Later.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Today not much new. I cleaned the walls of the front bathrooms today. My job will hopefully be over on monday. Later.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
So I got my meningitis and HPV vacines today. I'm so glad I won't have cervical, volver, or vaginal cancer. And for those of you who aren't awair, I'm a guy, so I couldn't get those if I tried. HPV is good for other things I can get. Work was clean the balls and the refrigerator. I found out that my job is over on the 24th. Later.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Well today I finished washing the bathroom walls, then I cleaned a bunch of toys. I'm really starting to not like my job. I watched kill bill this morning, first volume since it's on hulu. I also came to the realization that if your woman is a feminist who is fine with hitting you, and not the little love slaps that are like cat slap, but real "I'm causing pain slaps," then gentlemanly conduct goes out the window. Equality, ok, I can give you equality. Here's what I do when a guy hits me, wham. I'm not saying beat your woman, significant other, or whatever you call her, but just let her know that with privilages comes responcibilities, cause only then are we equal. And yes, I'm single at the time of writing this. LOL. Later.
Monday, August 13, 2012
I worked where I did the normal but instead of cleaning the back bathrooms I washed the walls. It was weird. I think I sat wrong or something, because I got a sharp pain in my leg like when you get hit in the funny bone but less severe, and in my thy, knee, and ankle. Oh well. Later.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
I went up to my grandparents today for the day. Before I woke up, I dreampt that I was about to watch an internet video, then I got an error message, and then dad woke me up. Had fun with my grandparents. I fixed their TV so that both speakers work. I also pulled a sliver out of my grandpas foot with my long finger nails. Watched olympic closing ceromony. My favorite part was when Eric Idle from Monty Python came out and sang alwayse look on the bright side of life. Later.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
I watched some cosby on hulu, also watched I.O.U.S.A. It was cool. I did some cleaning of my room, but since I share one with my brother, and he pack rats there, it was mostly on him. Our family went to a local ice cream store. Good day. Later.
Friday, August 10, 2012
today was the last day of camps, so I was able to get off a little early. watched night of the living dead with my brother. Good film. Later.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
I put the eyes on socko, the sock pupet. I banged my finger on the wall at work. Got into a little argument with someone on youtube, but I did do my cap responces to 2 in the chance I didn't make myself clear. But I don't argue for back and forth forever since it is a waste of time. Later.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
good day, voted in the city primary and sold the 3 prong power cord. Worked but not much else in that front. Later.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
parents came home from their trip. Forgot to tell you about how I neerly blew up the grill on friday. We have these long piolet lighting matches that are good for lighting our gas grill since the sparker is dead. I turn on the gas, light the match, stick it in there, wait about 10 seconds about to look over, and whooooooosh, big flair. The gust put out the match. Good thing I wasn't wearing a hat or looking over because it would have surely set me on fire. All I could think of was Adam Savage from Mythbusters, "Am I missing and eye brow?" I put together the meme for overly atatched girlfriend selling all my games. Check it out. Later.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
sorry I haven't posted in a while. I would say I was busy but was just lazy. Today I edited and rendered a video on how puff the magic dragon isn't about drugs. It's good. I also went garage saling. I found 1311 count pokemon cards for $20. I calculated to paying about 1.5 cents for each card. They vary in grade and gen, but are good for what I payed. I also got how I met your mother seasons 3 and 4, superman doomsday issue 75, luigi's mansion guide, and daxter for the psp. in total I spent about $30. I watched a buch of episodes of south park on hulu plus on my xbox. Decent day. Also listed the coach bag on ebay. Later.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
not much new happened. Work was work. I did step on a disney pin today, to check what it was. For some reason I saw it, I should have recognised it was a pin, but didn't so I decided to poke it with my big toe, going down. I had a nice pin drop of blood as if I checked my blood sugar on the bottom of my big toe. I'm a genius. Later.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Today was kind of up and down. Work was kind of killer. Just tiring. I had a bit of an episode with a bee/wasp/hornet/yellow jacket/thing. I'm a phobe when it comes to buzzy stinging bugs. Well one landed on my sock, and I initially though fly, then I saw it was a stingy bug. I freaked out. I was trying to shoo it away without it getting angry. Then I decided to take off my shoe, then the sock without angering it, and tell it to shoo. My boss came in and asked what I was doing, and I explained. She gets that I'm quirky I think. She knows I'm weird, and she's rather weird herself. And I'm such a good worker that there's no real way to get angry at me when I freak out over it.
I was just sitting and trying to fill out my absentee ballot form, then I needed the date. I went to check it on my phone, which was on the charging station. When I get there, 2 new messages, both saying that there's a gathering of people that I know at a local restaurant, that was in running distance. It was near the end of the event, like 15 minutes left, but that was just the scheduled event. We all hung around for about 45 minutes afterwards so it was more of an hour. Hung out with a guy from high school, and actually we go back to when we were 3, with some rough times in high school. It was fun catching up and talking about movies and entertainment we like. Later.
I was just sitting and trying to fill out my absentee ballot form, then I needed the date. I went to check it on my phone, which was on the charging station. When I get there, 2 new messages, both saying that there's a gathering of people that I know at a local restaurant, that was in running distance. It was near the end of the event, like 15 minutes left, but that was just the scheduled event. We all hung around for about 45 minutes afterwards so it was more of an hour. Hung out with a guy from high school, and actually we go back to when we were 3, with some rough times in high school. It was fun catching up and talking about movies and entertainment we like. Later.
Monday, July 23, 2012
So today I worked and packed up some of the camping stuff. I retired my old sleeping mat because it had a hole in it. Instead of working to patch the hole, we just decided that it served it's tour of duty and just throw it out. At work I forgot my keys at home so I had to use a different set. It felt a little weird. On ebay I have watchers on the Disney plates. If you want to see what I have just click here. I have some good stuff. Later.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
I lost power so I can't say what exactly happened. I went to work and read news paper comics. I went to bed when it got dark because I can't read anymore. I went to bed and got up at 6 am the next day. I'm writing this the day after because I couldn't get to internet because we have a cable router that requires power to work and I can't just take the main ethernet cable like I initially tried. Later.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
So today I was on my own again at my job. It was interesting again. Well then the power went out at about 4. I was able to do some of my work but was able to go home at about 6. I went over to zelda master 93's house to watch deadman and casshern, and then we played lego batman 2 for a little while. Later.
Monday, July 16, 2012
So today I put together all my daily blogs from the trip together. I also went to my job and was alone for the first time. It felt like my other days except for no boss telling me what to do. Later.
7/15/12 Day 5
Today was head home day. We left at about 7:20 my time. My cousin who came with us and I watched big bang theory season 2 the full ride back. We stopped at play n trade. Turns out that the place is a family business and there was a funeral on the Wednesday that I was going to go initially. I got this Play Station pinball game for $3 and a set of 5 gameboy game cases for $1. It seemed like there inventory shrunk since the last time I went.
Now we're home. Cousin with us is really into video games. First I had to try my new game to make sure it works, which it did. After that she and I played super smash brothers melee. It's been forever since I played so I was quite rusty, and she's never played, so we were at rather even playing fields. We were called to dinner after about 30 minutes. When her parents came to get her, we all had fun talking about our trip for an hour or so. Now to put this all together in a full blog. Laters.
Now we're home. Cousin with us is really into video games. First I had to try my new game to make sure it works, which it did. After that she and I played super smash brothers melee. It's been forever since I played so I was quite rusty, and she's never played, so we were at rather even playing fields. We were called to dinner after about 30 minutes. When her parents came to get her, we all had fun talking about our trip for an hour or so. Now to put this all together in a full blog. Laters.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
7/14/12 Day 4
Today we didn't do much. I hung out with my cousins most of the day. I looked up the prices and what not for my aunt's magazines. If we wanted to, I was going to rent National Lampoon's Vacation through Amazon instant video for $3, but there wasn't enough interest. I was the only one who wanted to watch it with everyone, but no one else wanted to, so I just saved $3. Oh well.
It wasn't until we had our picnic at my aunts did things become interesting. We had everyone over at her house where for starters the grill didn't want to light. So instead of grilling we George Forman Grilled. They were fine. I went to church with my other aunt and great aunt. They have a really nice church. The big highlight for me for the night was when my uncle thought one of my cousin's friends was my brother. Edited to hid names, here's how the conversation went.
Uncle: "[brother] I didn't recognize you."
Friend: "that's because I'm not [brother]"
It might have been a had to be there thing, but was funny none the less, and it's my blog so I'll say what ever lame story I want. We packed up to be ready to leave the next day. So until tomorrow.
It wasn't until we had our picnic at my aunts did things become interesting. We had everyone over at her house where for starters the grill didn't want to light. So instead of grilling we George Forman Grilled. They were fine. I went to church with my other aunt and great aunt. They have a really nice church. The big highlight for me for the night was when my uncle thought one of my cousin's friends was my brother. Edited to hid names, here's how the conversation went.
Uncle: "[brother] I didn't recognize you."
Friend: "that's because I'm not [brother]"
It might have been a had to be there thing, but was funny none the less, and it's my blog so I'll say what ever lame story I want. We packed up to be ready to leave the next day. So until tomorrow.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
7/13/12 Day 3
Boy today was fun. First we went to Adventureland where we went go carting and mini-golf. When go carting I won both times. I lapped my brother and cousins both times. Then at mini-golf my one cousin won at 48, my brother right behind her with 48 1/3, and then my other cousin and I tied for last at 51. I watched most of Monty Python's and now for something completely different with my other cousin who likes the Pythons as well. After that we watched their turtles eat crickets. It was funny because the turtle was chasing them.
After that we went to a Chinese buffet. I had lots of Steak. They had good teriaki steak. I made myself a rice ball, or what is close to one that I make one. Just steamed rice and salt in a bowl because I don't feel like making a ball in front of my family. Afterwards I had an ice cream with a cone I dipped in their chocolate fountain. Great idea on my part. After the buffet I went to my aunt's who's cleaning out magazines. I looked through them to see if there was anything of value. I found that the children's digests had adventures of tin tin serialized so there is probably some money in them. After that we were going to watch National Lampoon's Vacation, but the DVD wouldn't work. My one cousin was all "I ain't watching no stupid vacation movie. Marty Moose, I hate that Disney Channel crap. Derp Derp Derp." I told him "this movie is rated R for swearing and sexual content." That shut him up quick. When the movie wouldn't work we watched this Betty White DVD of her series "Life with Elizabeth." She is funny. Untill tomarrow.
After that we went to a Chinese buffet. I had lots of Steak. They had good teriaki steak. I made myself a rice ball, or what is close to one that I make one. Just steamed rice and salt in a bowl because I don't feel like making a ball in front of my family. Afterwards I had an ice cream with a cone I dipped in their chocolate fountain. Great idea on my part. After the buffet I went to my aunt's who's cleaning out magazines. I looked through them to see if there was anything of value. I found that the children's digests had adventures of tin tin serialized so there is probably some money in them. After that we were going to watch National Lampoon's Vacation, but the DVD wouldn't work. My one cousin was all "I ain't watching no stupid vacation movie. Marty Moose, I hate that Disney Channel crap. Derp Derp Derp." I told him "this movie is rated R for swearing and sexual content." That shut him up quick. When the movie wouldn't work we watched this Betty White DVD of her series "Life with Elizabeth." She is funny. Untill tomarrow.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
7/12/12 Day 2
Today was fun. We went to Holiday World in Santa Clause Indiana. We've been going there, well the family has, since it was just Santa Clause world. We have video footage of the family on the couple of rides that were there when they were kids. Well a lot has changed since then. Here's what we did.
We went on the Legend, a fun wooden roller coaster. We went on the log flume after that. I rode with my girl cousins, and they didn't want to get wet. Well the right way to not get wet is to put the heaviest person in the back so the water flows under the boat, but they put me, the heaviest person, up front. Well since they wanted to use me as a shield, I decided to get them really wet, while still keeping my pants dry. I leaned as far forward as I could. I got them wet. We went on the Raven, world's number 1 wooden roller coaster. It was fun. Went around to different rides in fourth of July and Halloween. After lunch, we went to the water park that's there as well, and it's included. I enjoyed the park. There were some slides. One that is like a toilet bowl where you spin around in a funnel thing. It's fun.
After the park we went to Thanks Giving. We were going to do the Voyage, voted America's best roller coaster. Unfortunately there were problems that caused us to not go on it. I went on the turkey gobbler, which is basically a moving shooting gallery. It's fun. After we got home I had a standing contest with my cousin who's a dancer. Black belt vs dancer, who can stand on 1 foot longest? We went on for about 10 minutes. My foot was killing me, but I worked through the pain. She on the other hand, her calf and hamstring were starting to hurt. Her mom interfered and just stopped her, since she knew I would win. I did win. Now we're watching lilo and stitch. Until tomorrow, later.
We went on the Legend, a fun wooden roller coaster. We went on the log flume after that. I rode with my girl cousins, and they didn't want to get wet. Well the right way to not get wet is to put the heaviest person in the back so the water flows under the boat, but they put me, the heaviest person, up front. Well since they wanted to use me as a shield, I decided to get them really wet, while still keeping my pants dry. I leaned as far forward as I could. I got them wet. We went on the Raven, world's number 1 wooden roller coaster. It was fun. Went around to different rides in fourth of July and Halloween. After lunch, we went to the water park that's there as well, and it's included. I enjoyed the park. There were some slides. One that is like a toilet bowl where you spin around in a funnel thing. It's fun.
After the park we went to Thanks Giving. We were going to do the Voyage, voted America's best roller coaster. Unfortunately there were problems that caused us to not go on it. I went on the turkey gobbler, which is basically a moving shooting gallery. It's fun. After we got home I had a standing contest with my cousin who's a dancer. Black belt vs dancer, who can stand on 1 foot longest? We went on for about 10 minutes. My foot was killing me, but I worked through the pain. She on the other hand, her calf and hamstring were starting to hurt. Her mom interfered and just stopped her, since she knew I would win. I did win. Now we're watching lilo and stitch. Until tomorrow, later.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
7/11/12 Trip day 1
Woo hoo, first day of family trip to Indiana. This time my grandparents didn't come so we were able to do the trip in 1 day, 10 hours. We watched bang theory season 1, and king of kong, fist full of quarters. There is this awesome video game store that was on the way, but moved so now it isn't. Still had to stop though. It's called Play N Trade, and they have everything, from NES to 360. It's amazing. Well when we got there, it was closed. When I checked the web site, there wasn't anything about it being closed today. There was a sign that said "closed July 11th, reopen the 12th." It's Wally World from National Lampoon's Vacation.
Once we got there, we visited and had fun. We went out to a local restaurant where I had a brain sandwich. Yes you heard me right, and no I'm not going zombie. It's deep fried pig brains, with pickles, on a bun. I can't imagine it'd be the healthiest thing, but it's my treat when I come down. Here is a picture (wait for full blog.)
Here's something that was interesting that happened soon after we got back from the restaurant. There was a fight that broke out in front of my cousin's house. I didn't see it, just heard it. I then saw the aftermath with the cops. There were 5-6 cop cars at one time. And then there came an ambulance. It was crazy. Don't get action like this at home. It's scary but in a weird way cool. Until tomorrow.
Once we got there, we visited and had fun. We went out to a local restaurant where I had a brain sandwich. Yes you heard me right, and no I'm not going zombie. It's deep fried pig brains, with pickles, on a bun. I can't imagine it'd be the healthiest thing, but it's my treat when I come down. Here is a picture (wait for full blog.)
Here's something that was interesting that happened soon after we got back from the restaurant. There was a fight that broke out in front of my cousin's house. I didn't see it, just heard it. I then saw the aftermath with the cops. There were 5-6 cop cars at one time. And then there came an ambulance. It was crazy. Don't get action like this at home. It's scary but in a weird way cool. Until tomorrow.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
I went to church and helped my grandparents with setting up their garden. Most of what my day was. Also heard the greatest thing on friends, something to use when some atheist says this is the end all be all. "Hundreds of years ago the greatest minds thought the earth was flat. Not to long ago scientists thought the atom was the smallest particle until they split it. So are you to tell me that we know everything now and will never find anything out as to the being of the universe?" Yeah Phoebe. I also learned again that "until" isn't spelled "untill." Later.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Today was eventful. Today I learned that things don't burn when it's 100 degrees out and 90 percent humidity. I tried to burn some junk mail but it didn't burn, and caused a lot of smoke. It wasn't going up the chimney and started coming into the house. So my brother and I open up the windows, set up a fan so it'll blow out the window, and start fanning it with towels. After that event, we went to CiCi's Pizza Buffet. It was good. We had one of our deep conversations about life. We came to the conclusion that parent's trusting their kids is not in the fact that they won't do anything stupid. I'm 19, an eagle scout, 3.72 GPA, and I still do stupid things. Trust in your kids is that they won't react with something more stupid. You can take that to the bank. Later.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Due to the power still being out, no work today. I watched TV, tried to call into the Rush Limbaugh show, but kept getting busy, and since Rush wasn't in today, didn't feel compelled to listen. Went and saw Dark Shadows at the last run theater. Was going to review it today, but got side tracked. Did get around to making that bloopers reel for the ET review. Later.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
I got the day off today because the place had a power outage. I helped my neighbors move some branches that got knocked down due to the whether. I went to my eye doctor, and went to the southland mall. Not much changed since I was last there. It was raining like crazy when I got called back to get eye pictures, so I got a little wet. More or less just enjoyed my day off. Later.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy independence day, went to amazing spiderman, golden coral, and enjoyed my day off. For a more detailed story, hit up my personal blog. Later.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Sorry I haven't been posting. I got my first pay check today. Where's the tea party, I'm taxed enough already. Tomarrow the 4th. Will definately blog tomarrow. Later.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Uhh today.
Sorry about not posting, got busy with the job. I sold the license plates. I cleaned the rec center.Our hampster was making noises on his wheel that made me think there was an intruder. Armed with my black belt fists I was looking all over the house. Later.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Today was a great day. I got most of my class finished. I got the job at the city rec. And I sold the license plates on ebay. I also went to see Men In Black 3 with my grandpa. Good movie. Later.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Sorry I've been busy. A couple of days ago I had a flat tire and got the replacement. Then my brother and I were replacing the tire, and the car fell off the jack. We're both fine, but we were afraid we really damaged the car. The tire wabbled a little, turns out I just didn't have the tire on right. There was also a scrapping noise, which turned out to be a bent heat shield. No problems, $10 fix.
Today I went to a garage sale, bought 3 binders full of pokemon cards, a the first edition of pokemon adventures, and the recalled Shrek forever after cups from McDonalds all for $13. I also went to a different garage sale where I knew the person, and they gave me some Pokemon books for free as a late birthday present.
I had a job interview. I'm hopeful. And if not, back to starving ebay merchant. Later.
Today I went to a garage sale, bought 3 binders full of pokemon cards, a the first edition of pokemon adventures, and the recalled Shrek forever after cups from McDonalds all for $13. I also went to a different garage sale where I knew the person, and they gave me some Pokemon books for free as a late birthday present.
I had a job interview. I'm hopeful. And if not, back to starving ebay merchant. Later.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
So today, I went to the movies with my grandpa, got a flat tire, and got a sh*t ton of games. My grandpa and I went to see The Avengers. I changed a flat tire all by myself, a first since it normally requires 2 people with my family and flats. I also got 19 games today from GameStop. 4 of the games were free, and 7 of them were a quarter of the price. $42 worth of GBA games all for 10.50. The rest were either PS2 games or GameCube games. They're doing a sale where buy 2 ps2/gamecube games, get one free. Plus ps2 and gamecube games are quite cheep at gamestop. In total I think I spent around $40 on games today, and I had a $25 gift card. If some suck and I decide that I don't want it mucking up my collection, I'll sell it. So far only one game doesn't work. Still got to try all the ps2/gc games. Hope they work. Happy gamer happy. Later.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Happy Birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Now I should stop before I break copyright.
So yeah today is my birthday. 19. Unlike last year, I can't really do anything new. Oh well. Yesterday was when my family and I celebrated. We went to a local burger place that makes great ones. I got it with BBQ sauce, A1, chipotle BBQ, cheese, and pickles. Yum. Then there's the fries, made with peanut oil. Yummy.
I opened my cards, and deposited most of it in the bank. I went to a local movie theater/bowling ally for a job aplication. They seemed impressed when I showed up to turn it in and maybe get an interview. I also went to Bed Bath and Beyond to turn in an app. I don't care if they put me in beyond so long as I'm getting paid. Also waiting on stuff to sell. Later.
So yeah today is my birthday. 19. Unlike last year, I can't really do anything new. Oh well. Yesterday was when my family and I celebrated. We went to a local burger place that makes great ones. I got it with BBQ sauce, A1, chipotle BBQ, cheese, and pickles. Yum. Then there's the fries, made with peanut oil. Yummy.
I opened my cards, and deposited most of it in the bank. I went to a local movie theater/bowling ally for a job aplication. They seemed impressed when I showed up to turn it in and maybe get an interview. I also went to Bed Bath and Beyond to turn in an app. I don't care if they put me in beyond so long as I'm getting paid. Also waiting on stuff to sell. Later.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
eh, today
So I put my grandpa's deck back together, which I mean I put the furniture back on it after we stained it. We then went to see Madagascar 3 and had Taco Bell before hand. Dorito's locos tacos for me. I went to a college graduation party for a family friend. It was fun seeing them again. I then hung out with zeldamaster93 for about 3 hours, mainly talking about E3 and the like. Later.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
6 years ago we thought it would be the end of the world, lol. I mainly stained my grandpa's deck. While converting tapes for my mom, I forgot to put in a DVD, so I'm sitting there trying to gt the remote to work. I changed the batteries, and worked at it for a couple of minutes, and then realized I needed to put in a DVD. later.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Well Google stopped supporting explorer, so here I am on opera. You likely won't notice anything different. I've also been sitting my grandma after her surgery, and they get really spotty WiFi from stealing from the neighbors. Today I put tape so I can stain their deck tomorrow. I cataloged my inventory for ebay. I'm taking this super serial. Later.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Today was the local garage sale. I got me some inventory, mainly $60 in collectable plates for $30. I got some in package happy meal toys from years ago and some new in box pez dispencers. I don't know their exact value but I know they're worth more than the $1 I paid for the lot. I also put out some stuff I would sell online but then I don't have to worry about shipping and commissions and what not. I sold the tripod and prince albert tobacco tin. I made a total of $2 prifit today, mainly because I baught the tripod at basically retail and didn't realize it. I'm glad I made some prifit on it. Later
Friday, June 1, 2012
Funny thing happened this morning, my brother came into our room, turned on the lights, woke me up, then apologised. I asked him later if it happened, and it did. I didn't do much. Mainly I watched TV and stuff. I visited my grandma after her sergery. Pray for her. That's why I haven't really blogged recently. Sorry for not. Later.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Woo hoo! I sold my first item on ebay. It's the Classic Star Trek Phaser. I packed it and it's ready to ship. Now tomarrow I need to ship it tomarrow, when the post office is open. Today was clean out and organize the garage. Get it ready for the garage sale next week. I power washed the chairs and garbage cans. I went to the salvation army to see if they had anything with their sale today. Didn't, but I did step on a barbecue sause pack causing it to splatter on my shorts and crocks. I had no idea that sause could fly like that. When I got back I powerwashed them. Wash my shorts like a man. aRR RUR urr hur hrrr. I converted tapes to DVD of magic school bus. Later.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Today I finished dog sitting. The dogs were happy their owners were home. I watched all of Degrassi and Young justice that was on OnDemand. Played some runescape. Not much else. Later.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Day 2 dog sitting. no job prospects today. Mainly watched hardcore pawn and other shows on demand. Not much else. Later.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Day 1 dog sitting. First job this summer. Unfortunately today wasn't good for steady jobs. There was this meijer job fair thing, but halfway through the interview the interviewer found out that summer kids aren't being taken. Damn, and it was going so well. The interviewer really liked me. Oh well, that was depressing. Since I was at meijer I decided to look around. Then when I was on the way home, I got a phone call from a local Ace Hardware. I was thinking "this is it, getting a job." Then the real bomb shell, "sorry we aren't hiring temps." After I said thank-you and hung up, I yelled Gaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!! and then some choice words. Oh well. I will then just invest a lot of time into my ebay business. I just want a steady job. Oh well. Later.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Went to church. Saw my family from North Carolina. That was really fun since it's been 6 years since I've seen them. My cousin is the same age as me so we exchanged stories from our first year of college. Fun stuff. Cleaned the hampster's cage and put him in his ball. That was fun. Later.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Today was a bit busy. Let me start with before I woke up. I had to be somewhere before 10 am. I had a dream I woke up and that it was 10:23. It was all cartoony and then I "woke-up" into another dream world, this time in black and white. I was still late, but to avoid further inception, I fell on the ground and started pounding the ground saying "wake up for real." I slowly really woke up to see that it was 6:30, but only after much fighting. Then when I fell asleep again, cartoon and black and white me met before black and white me cralled through his portal back to black and white world.
Now for today. I did a pancake breakfast with the local VFW, it was cool to see them again. Then afterwards I went to the movies with my grandpa. We went to see "Pirates Band of Missfits." Funny movie. I will make a review when I get to it. My HDMI cable came in today for my laptop. Tomarrow I'm gonna see my relatives on my dad's side tomarrow. Later.
Now for today. I did a pancake breakfast with the local VFW, it was cool to see them again. Then afterwards I went to the movies with my grandpa. We went to see "Pirates Band of Missfits." Funny movie. I will make a review when I get to it. My HDMI cable came in today for my laptop. Tomarrow I'm gonna see my relatives on my dad's side tomarrow. Later.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Today was rather busy. Our car was fixed today so dad and I went to get it around 1. We droped it off for my brother at school. Afterwards we went to Best Buy so he could get a memory card for the nook using a gift card he got form pay pal. I went so I could look at the DVDs. I did have a bit of a mission. I was tasked with seeing if I could find a Sesame Street DVD that was available in region code 4. Here in the US we are region code one and a family friend has a son that is really into Elmo but they live in New Zeland where they don't have Sesame Street aparently. Couldn't find a DVD, and Best Buy really cut down on their Anime section unfortunately. Oh well.
I then went with my mom to Mijer to look in their toy, book, and DVD department. Still no region 4 Sesame Street. We thought we found a great book with a CD player esk toy that seemed like it was a sing along with the characters. Mom had me try it out when we got home. Unfortunately it was ust the melody, not the characters singing. Ug. We then returned it, well I returned it, picked out a new book that had Elmo sing at the end, look at the books to see if there was anything I'd be interested in, look at the DVDs for my own use, look at the fish, stare at the meat, check the bottle return for mycokerewards codes, and look at the funny cards, all while my mom socialized. I did see a really funny card. There was a picture of an atractive woman on it with the words "Open to see a pair of bigger boobs." Inside was a picture of Obama and Biden. So funny. I also saw a girl from high school. We didn't really know each other. She is a bit of a stereotypical Cally Girl, tan skin, blond hair, talkes a mile a minute with no real time to get a word in edge wise, she's just from my home state of not California. She kept asking the questions, and before I could respond with a similar small talk question, next topic, then after a literal minute and 10 minutes worth small talk, we parted. Afterwards I was left with a feeling of "what just happened?" Later.
I then went with my mom to Mijer to look in their toy, book, and DVD department. Still no region 4 Sesame Street. We thought we found a great book with a CD player esk toy that seemed like it was a sing along with the characters. Mom had me try it out when we got home. Unfortunately it was ust the melody, not the characters singing. Ug. We then returned it, well I returned it, picked out a new book that had Elmo sing at the end, look at the books to see if there was anything I'd be interested in, look at the DVDs for my own use, look at the fish, stare at the meat, check the bottle return for mycokerewards codes, and look at the funny cards, all while my mom socialized. I did see a really funny card. There was a picture of an atractive woman on it with the words "Open to see a pair of bigger boobs." Inside was a picture of Obama and Biden. So funny. I also saw a girl from high school. We didn't really know each other. She is a bit of a stereotypical Cally Girl, tan skin, blond hair, talkes a mile a minute with no real time to get a word in edge wise, she's just from my home state of not California. She kept asking the questions, and before I could respond with a similar small talk question, next topic, then after a literal minute and 10 minutes worth small talk, we parted. Afterwards I was left with a feeling of "what just happened?" Later.
Alright, I returned some job apps, watched TV, and played in the highschool Jazz Band for old times. The starter on mine and my brothers car died so we need to get it fixed. We had a friend who knows a lot about cars look at it. We also replaced the battery thinking that was the problem. Oh well. Later.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Ron Paul won't come to our help
this is the random blog, so enjoy. I had a dream last night that somehow some little kid and I got stranded on the moon, but I assume it was the future because our spacecraft was more like an RV and we ran into other people who were stranded, 73 to be exact. I think we were the only people with a radio or something. Well the kid got on the radio and was yelling into it in one of the most anoying high pitched voice "Ron Paul!" I think every 5 or so times he'd yell "Ron Paul help!" Eventually I think I gave him a nice smack and yelled "Look Ron Paul isn't going to help, and if he would you're saying it wrong." This is how you do it "Ron Paul we need your help. We are stranded here on the moon with 73 other people. Help." Nothing. "Help anyone who worked on Apolo 13." Then I got some Austrailian hick guy or something who said "Hey I got a friend who lives in Apaul and one who lives in O-13." "What? Anyways do you know how to get us off this rock?" "Nope" "Goodbye. SOS." Then I woke up. Be back later today with my daily blog.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
I worked on my online class and listed my star trek phaser. The phaser seems like it'll sell since it already has 5 views and is listed for a lower price than the other phasers. I also went to Jazz Band and the band director wasn't able to be there and had one of the students direct. He needed an adult in the room, and I was that adult. It was fun playing with them again. I then had a major head ache, like when I used to back in high school. Weird. Anyways, I'm not sure if it really happens or if my brain starts playing tricks on me when I have head aches, but everytime I get one, I seem to get mental telekinesis poweres. I'm not sure if I did it or if I just had a really stupid bug, but there was this larger bug flying about the celing, I concentrated on it rather hard, and then it fell out of the air and landed on it's back unable to right its self. I then got it with a tissue and flushed it. It actually caught me by supprise. Later.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mothers day. Don't have a story like last year. I did go out to dinner with my grandparents and their friends, but the only problem was that my grandma's mixed drink didn't have the right alchohol in it so she sent it back a couple of times. We did take a half an hour to leave the restaurant, but mainly because they walk slow and wanted pictures. I realized that my brother and I had 10 minutes to get to church this morning. I saw that Family Guy did an episode on the Tea Party. I will do a critique of it once it's on hulu and I can pause and take notes, even though every 2 seconds there's a cut away that has no part of the story and I could have taken notes then. From what I did catch Seth got it wrong, like a liberal would. Later.
uhhhhh yesterday
It's sunday, and didn't post yesterday. But don't care to find the date. Yesterday was Mothers Day. Sorry no crazy story about a restaurant this year. I went up and saw my other grandparents, that are easier when it comes to food. Since they weren't able to come to my brother's eagle court, we spent most of the visit watching the DVD. We had dinner, and I had grandma's beef. So good. I also listed my first item on ebay. I'll likely make a better blog for then I sell my first item. Later.
Monday, May 7, 2012
So lets see, today I started my online class, I worked on my media PC, emptied the dish washer, cataloged my inventory for my ebay business, and didn't do much else. I hope to get back to video making soon. Oh well. Later.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Well my pinky still hurts, so I have it splinted against my ring finger, making it rather hared to type since there are some important letters on the left side, like a s e d c. oh well. I baught a phaser from a garage sale, an NIB startrek phaser, for $17 and I think I can get $40, yay. I filled out an aplication, hope it pays off. Later.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Happy Cinco de Mayo, or however it's spelled. For this amazing Mexican Holliday, I did absolutely nothing, for the holliday at least. I'm not Mexican so I didn't celebrate. I did do some things though. I put my brother's eagle court on a DVD. I went to a garage sale, and got a Trunks action figure and old Tobacco Tin. Trunks is for my personal collection and the Tobacco tin is for selling. Gotta get inventory for my ebay business. The Trunks action figure's tricept is stuck in a horizontal position, but oh well, I set his forarm in a punching position, and since he's an action figure from a fist fighting series, it works, especially since his hand is molded to a fist. I went to an eagle court tonight. Went long. Later.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Today was my brother's eagle court of honor. Today I had to do everything I could to help out and stuff. At his eagle court, I set up my web cam to video it, along with a quality camera that I will need to burn to a dvd this weekend. I gave a great speach and took pictures. Good day, except for when I neerly fell down the stairs. I was walking up, I was at the top, and then I triped, or slipped, I don't know, maybe both. It would have been really bad if I fell down the stairs and then had to go to the hospital. It would have been a major inconvienence on my family. I'm so selfless. But what I did was grab the door frame on the right with my left hand. My right hand was full so my left hand instinktively went out, and to the right door frame as with right hand instinct. That I think helped me fall sidewayse and not backwards so that kept me from tumbling back, along with my death grip on the door frame. I broke 2 nails and chipped my thumb nail, and possibly brused my pinky. Oh well, better than the other option. Later.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Today wasn't so hard. I got an aplication to family video, again. Hopefully this one works out. What I realy worked on was getting the media PC set up. We have this old windows PC that is super slow, and no one has used in forever. I needed to update everything. All I want to do is watch hulu for free, crackle, and maybe youtube and social networks. I just updated the flash to probably 3+ versions later. I think it installed chrome with flash, but I'm not sure. I want a newer browser, or at least one that isn't explorer 6. Hulu says they don't suport 6. I want to get some security software, the free stuff, but for some reason it doesn't like cnet. Oh well. I haven't really invested much into it. Later.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Job hunts. I went to a local pool store to drop off an aplication, along with the local A&W, Wendie's, 2 local restaurants, lego store, and Chuck E Cheese, all drop off. I looked around for the Ace that was hiring but couldn't find it. That'll be tomarrow. Oh well. Did more with the penny collection. Later.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Today was job day. I went up and down my main street asking if all the local businesses were hiring. There were a bunch that weren't. I did get a fair amount of apps, so hopefully one will work out. After Family Video rejected me, I really don't care who takes me. I had my doctor's appointment, and since the office is close to a semi-local mall, I decided to look around there for fun and maybe a job app. The mall got boring since the last time I was there. I remember there being more fun stores there, like 3 video game stores and a couple toy stores; now all there is is the lego store and one small EB games. That was a little dissapointing. I got an app for the lego store and looked around the very limited selection of EB. Oh well. Went to scouts tonight and had some fun with some old friends. Tomarrow will be full of applications. Later.
Monday, April 30, 2012
The job hunt starts. I was rejected by family video, sad face. Now I don't really care where I get a summer job. My local Ace hardware said they aren't hiring at the moment. The local toy store/play structure store said they haven't gotten to the point of deciding if they need to hire or not, but I have someone who works there that'll vouch for me. And my local grocery store just haven't gotten to me yet. I decided to try my semi-local Chuck-E-Cheese and a local driving range/mini-golf range. I loved CEC since I was little and would love to be that guy that fixes the machines and replaces the tickets. I also got my first job at a golf course so I figue that there's a little luck in golf for me. Tomarrow more job hunting.
I also dropped off my alergy vials and they had some new nurses that didn't know me, so there was some misscomunication. First they didn't know that I was dropping off and thought I was transfering or something. Then I needed to ask if I was alergic to hamster because we got one and I'm alergic to many other fury creatures. First they thought I needed to be tested but then I explained that I was on record and just needed to see the results. PS: not alergic.
Also took a test video using a borrowed video camera. This is what turned out. It recorded in some weird video format and was unable to edit it. I tried using my video converter and it worked, but dropped the audio. Oh well.
My videogame console collection - The best home videos are here
I also dropped off my alergy vials and they had some new nurses that didn't know me, so there was some misscomunication. First they didn't know that I was dropping off and thought I was transfering or something. Then I needed to ask if I was alergic to hamster because we got one and I'm alergic to many other fury creatures. First they thought I needed to be tested but then I explained that I was on record and just needed to see the results. PS: not alergic.
Also took a test video using a borrowed video camera. This is what turned out. It recorded in some weird video format and was unable to edit it. I tried using my video converter and it worked, but dropped the audio. Oh well.
My videogame console collection - The best home videos are here
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Today was mainly unpacking of stuff from college moveback. I did go to mijer to buy a frame for my poster. It's cool looking. Here's a pic of me with it.
Tomarrow I hope to take my winning lotto tickets back and get my $34. I also played a fair amount of Sonic and Knuckles latch on with sonic 2 and 3. I've played more latch on than actual sonic and knuckles. Later.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Sorry I neglected you Russia. I've been busy moving back home. I'll work on a full blog tomarrow. It's nice to be home though. My grandparents drove me home after I spent the night with them up neer my college. Just kind of tired, later.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Woo-hoo it's all done. Over the weekend I studdied my butt off. All the while going a little crazy, giving myself pep talks like a boxing coach. I was acting rather weird. Then last night I had one hell of a time trying to fall asleep. I went to bed at 10 pm because I had to get up to catch the bus to engineering college so I could get there on time to take my 8 am final in entre. I think I might have drifted in and out of conciousness but I fully fell asleep at 2 am. I know because I checked the clock at 2, and then next thing I know my arm is up in the air in a really awkward position at 6 am. Then next thing I know it's 6:30. I was really suprised at how alert I was. Normally I'm horible on colectively 5 hours of sleep but I was compleatly alert.
I would have had a good breakfast, but caf opens at 7 and that's when my bus leaves. So for breakfast I had 5 who-nu cookies and a power bar. 1 and 2/3 servings of the full of calcium, fiber, and vitamins cookies and a chocolate and peanutbutter bar full of protein, eh probably better than my would be 2 eggs and toast. I took a short acting conserta because I would need to be alert at the latest 9:15 PM, and short lasts 4 hours, while normal 12 with some give. My plan was a short acting in the morning and a normal at about noon. It worked out fine.
So first was entre, and I feel I TKO'ed it. I was ready for all the tricks. Infact one question was exactly the same as the one in the notes. I finished with about 15 minutes left, and given that my teacher designs the tests to not be finishable in the aloted time, that was great.
I think my energy was adrenalin, because once I got on the bus to go back to main campus, I was nodding. I took a brief nap once I got back to my dorm. After lunch, took the full acting. My next final was calc. I'm quite confident. I'm not as confident as with entre, but I think I did fairly well. It was at 5 pm, and went till 7. Then right after, had phys at 7:15. That was anoying. Oh well, feel rather confident as well. Finished in an hour and 15 minutes.
Lucky for me, my floor won the penny wars, so free pizza. That was a nice end of the first and last day of finals for me. I went and got a sprite from my room, but still good. Hung out with the guys on my floor. It was a good time. Later.
I would have had a good breakfast, but caf opens at 7 and that's when my bus leaves. So for breakfast I had 5 who-nu cookies and a power bar. 1 and 2/3 servings of the full of calcium, fiber, and vitamins cookies and a chocolate and peanutbutter bar full of protein, eh probably better than my would be 2 eggs and toast. I took a short acting conserta because I would need to be alert at the latest 9:15 PM, and short lasts 4 hours, while normal 12 with some give. My plan was a short acting in the morning and a normal at about noon. It worked out fine.
So first was entre, and I feel I TKO'ed it. I was ready for all the tricks. Infact one question was exactly the same as the one in the notes. I finished with about 15 minutes left, and given that my teacher designs the tests to not be finishable in the aloted time, that was great.
I think my energy was adrenalin, because once I got on the bus to go back to main campus, I was nodding. I took a brief nap once I got back to my dorm. After lunch, took the full acting. My next final was calc. I'm quite confident. I'm not as confident as with entre, but I think I did fairly well. It was at 5 pm, and went till 7. Then right after, had phys at 7:15. That was anoying. Oh well, feel rather confident as well. Finished in an hour and 15 minutes.
Lucky for me, my floor won the penny wars, so free pizza. That was a nice end of the first and last day of finals for me. I went and got a sprite from my room, but still good. Hung out with the guys on my floor. It was a good time. Later.
Friday, April 20, 2012
First time with new blogger interface, the old one was easier to use. Had entre, with a party. That was fun. Got my phys test back, 39/40. Woot. Had my pokemon trainers meeting. It was fun how us older guys were trying to explain how big pokemon was to one of the younger elementary members. Well now this is the last post until after finals. Later.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Had programing, entre, calc, and phys quiz. Had phys test, and feel comfident. Yeah today was boring.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
I basically worked on homework, and not. Last night I dreampt of a vending machine thatvended videogames. And since it hadn't been filled in a long time it dispenced oldschool games, and at a reasonable price. I read my chapters and did my quiz. I thought there was goig to be a reading quiz for phys, but it turns out there wasn't, so I was happy. I went to church, and then a guy in my entre class gave me a ride back. Thanks. Later.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
I slept for 9 and 1/2 hours. Felt good. Worked on a group project. Played some randome games online. Did some homework. Watched TV. Not much else. Later.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Happy friday the 13th. I'm not supersticios most of the time, only when it comes to final exams. Hey, when a test consists of 20% of my final grade, I think it's reasonable to have some good luck charms in the corner of your desk. No tests today, but I got some back. I got back my entrepreneur test, 43/95. After we got our tests back, our proffessor told us that the test wasn't designed to be finishable. I guess I suspected that after the first one and no one said they finished, but today he confirmed my suspicion. Yeah an 80% is an A, and you're not testing what we know but what we don't know, but come on. The man's an evil genious, compleat with meniacle laugh. No kidding. More emphasis on genious than evil, but it's still there. Then I got my phys quiz back, 16/20, my normal. That was class today. It was get your quiz and then hang out if you have questions about monday's exam or the final. I had no questions so I just left. I got help on my programing issue, so now my program works perfectly. I also joined a Pokemon League today. I'm happy, except that I'm not going to use my vintage neer mint cards from 1999 to play. I need to get me some garage sale, buy a lot of 100 cards online, thing to get some play with cards. Read blog here. Later
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