Friday, May 18, 2012


Today was rather busy. Our car was fixed today so dad and I went to get it around 1. We droped it off for my brother at school. Afterwards we went to Best Buy so he could get a memory card for the nook using a gift card he got form pay pal. I went so I could look at the DVDs. I did have a bit of a mission. I was tasked with seeing if I could find a Sesame Street DVD that was available in region code 4. Here in the US we are region code one and a family friend has a son that is really into Elmo but they live in New Zeland where they don't have Sesame Street aparently. Couldn't find a DVD, and Best Buy really cut down on their Anime section unfortunately. Oh well.

I then went with my mom to Mijer to look in their toy, book, and DVD department. Still no region 4 Sesame Street. We thought we found a great book with a CD player esk toy that seemed like it was a sing along with the characters. Mom had me try it out when we got home. Unfortunately it was ust the melody, not the characters singing. Ug. We then returned it, well I returned it, picked out a new book that had Elmo sing at the end, look at the books to see if there was anything I'd be interested in, look at the DVDs for my own use, look at the fish, stare at the meat, check the bottle return for mycokerewards codes, and look at the funny cards, all while my mom socialized. I did see a really funny card. There was a picture of an atractive woman on it with the words "Open to see a pair of bigger boobs." Inside was a picture of Obama and Biden. So funny. I also saw a girl from high school. We didn't really know each other. She is a bit of a stereotypical Cally Girl, tan skin, blond hair, talkes a mile a minute with no real time to get a word in edge wise, she's just from my home state of not California. She kept asking the questions, and before I could respond with a similar small talk question, next topic, then after a literal minute and 10 minutes worth small talk, we parted. Afterwards I was left with a feeling of "what just happened?" Later.

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