Monday, October 31, 2016

10/31/16 Happy Halloween

I had a fun Halloween everyone. On Friday I was "the highly visible man," at work. It's professional like, but still festive.

That was a fun day at work. Now on Halloween I gave out candy as an oddish.

A couple of older kids held out their bags without saying anything. I refused to give them candy unless they said "Trick or Treat." I had a couple of kids recognize the costume. Yay. My neighbor was Luke Skywalker, but he didn't have a blue light scaber so he used a red light scaber. I said he must be a parallel universe version of Luke where in Episode 5 he joins his dad and becomes a Sith lord. He liked that explanation. Later.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

10/20/2016 still alive

Yeah it's been a while since I posted here. Sorry, full time job stuff is confidential. I can say this, I had to go in 3.5 hours early today (3:30 AM), and I got 4 hours of sleep the previous night because I couldn't fall asleep. I was tired, but also caffeinated, so it canceled out in a strange way. When I took my lunch at 7:15 AM, I was doing a tai chi sort of thing to concentrate my ki to keep me awake, it did. I hit a point where I just kept smiling. One of my co-workers said I looked really happy. I replied with "I'm not happy, I'm crazy. The madness is setting in. *crazy laugh.* I've been here since 3:30. *hahahahaha.*" I did do all the work I needed to do though. It was weird getting home when I did. Hopefully I can fall asleep tonight at a reasonable time so I can wake up at 2:15. Later.