Wednesday, November 23, 2011

11/23/11 first day home

It was great. I slept on the futon last night and my mom woke me up with her text. I gathered all my stuff, and piled it into the van. Funny thing, I ran out of clean clothed when it was time to come home for a visit. The drive home was good. I reconnected with my family, well mom and brother. They're the ones who picked me up.

I came home, popped in bad fur day to see if it worked, and it did. Then my grandparents took my brother and I out to lunch. We were going to go to this Chinese buffet that my brother and I went to nearly every single weekend, but unfortunately it was closed. We went to Big Boy instead.

I was going to have my hair cut, but the line was to long. So I'm going to get it cut on Friday. I did run into some old high school friends there. That was cool. We chatted some but then I left because I had a prior engagement. Well after I left I saw a scout mom drive by, and also saw a guy I know from scouts. As I was walking home, I couldn't help but feel like I'm home. It feels so good to be home.

I had the chiropractor. My back has been causing me some issues, so I saw our family chiropractor. Apparently my back isn't all that messed up. Oh well, had it aligned anyway. I feel better after it.

For dinner my grandparents came over and we had really good roast beef. But not just beef, broccoli, how I like it. Then we celebrated my mom's birthday.

Now for the really fun part. My best friend zeldamaster93 came over. Me, him, and max were going to hang out on Saturday, but I'll explain why we couldn't on Saturday. Well he came over and we played Bad Fur Day. It was quite fun. Until tomorrow.

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