Saturday, November 19, 2011

11/18/11-11/19/11 free rides.

So I do this free rides for students at my college. Tonight I did operator, where I took the calls and put them in the system. It's definately not as fun as driving. I basically hung out with people in the apartment and do stuff there. It was more reminising on funny stories from the past, but there were some instances.

I had some people call in and when I asked where they were, they were like, "dude I don't know I'm drunk." Assid from that I had boring, coherent people and rude people. Well, not so much rude, I guess cranky, or maybe stressed. There was one guy who talked really fast, and I ad to ask him to slow down. I had some trouble with getting his number, but that caused some trouble with him and he yelled "## GET IT TOGETHER!!!!" The pounds were for the number. I doubt that it gives away to much information, but better be safe than sorry. Then there was this girl where, I guess she was panicing, and I guess "calm down" weren't the right words. She was all "don't tell me to calm down, you don't know what it's like here!" I apologised and asked for her number and she said "you know what? F*** off," and she hung up. Uhhhhh, ok. Well then she called back again later and asked to be put into the system. I got through about half the necessary info, and then the call cuts off. Hope she got home good.

Here's a funny thing that happened at the end of the night. We were cleaning up and the vaccume didn't have a bag. The guy that was using it was kicking up a ton of dust and the vaccume started smoking. It was making it dirtier than it was before.
Well it's 5 am now, and I woke up at 7 am yesterday. I'm gonna pull a 24 hour like I try to do everytime I do the driving service. Later.

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