Friday, January 13, 2012


I had my mind blown in my entripreneur class. Physics was normal. Happy friday the 13th. It fits because we got 8-9 inches of snow today and all the local schools in the area were closed, except my college. It was a little hard making it to my classes. Well good thing the dinning hall is conected to my dorm. Someone did do these nice snow drawings by making tracks in the snow. There was a smily face, a heart, and a pease sign. I tried to get a picture but neither my phone nor my camera could take a good picture. Sorry Russia. Yeah I see where my views come from. Most of them come from russia for this blog.

Here's an interesting thing that happened techically tomarrow, or was it at the very end of today? I don't care. I've mentioned my bad neighbors I'm sure. Well one guy started banging on my door say "open up [neighbor name.]" Then he tried opening my door. I lock my door at 10 typically on weekends and just stay locked in incase I forget when I go to bed, and tonight was no different, thankfully. I open the door, say "hello," he's a bit confused since I'm not who he's looking for, he looks at the room number and ocupent sign things that are around my door, realizes he got the wrong room and said "fuck, sorry man," held out his hand for a hand shake, and I shake and say no problem. Maybe he thought I was asleep because I had the lights off, door locked, and in my spongebobs at about midnight. Oh well. It hapens. Later.

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