Happy New Years Eve. I didn't do the fun party this year because the family that normally hosts had plumbing issues and they are sick. I was able to hang out with my one friend mskate for a sort of new years thing. She doesn't stay up late ever so I got kicked out after we finished watching Rocky. It was fun seeing her and her brother. We caught up, tried to set up her brother's xbox live but couldn't, and that was kind of it. I left for home at about 10:20, so I watched Dick Clarks Rockin New Years Eve with Ryan Secrest with my family. It was fun. We got our hampster out so the whole family could enjoy the new year.
Earlier today I met up with my old 3rd grade teacher and her son and the son of one of my mom's teaching friends, and we built sleds out of news paper. I got inspired after seeing that episode of Mythbusters where they made a boat out of news paper. We left one of them at my teacher's house and left it to freeze. One fell apart because we tried to use it after freezing for 2 hours in 32 degree whether. We brought that back to my house so I can make a thing. It's a bit of a raft. Hopefully it'll freeze by tomarrow morning. I want to have fun. Later.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Today was fun. I visited with my grandparents on my dad's side. It was fun seeing them again. I got to have grandma beef. So good. My aunt also joined us for the fun. We all talked pollitics a little after a while. Mostly just talking about how the country is going to crap thanks to Obama and his policies. Also lost my phone today. We're due for an upgrade though so yay-ish. Later.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Today was fun. I went to CiCi's pizza buffet with my brother. Ate about half a pizza, 6 breadsticks, a soup bowl of pasta, and 2 brownies. Aftwerwards my brother and I went to see The Hobit and Unexpected Journey. Full review will come. Afterwards we went to Coney Island for dinner. I had a plain hotdog and stole some of my brother's fries. I got 3 of my Amazon orders; Component Video Cable (5 RCA)
, The Man Called Flintstone
and Pokemon Adventures, Volume 2: Wanted Pikachu (Pokemon Adventures (Viz Paperback))
. So glad they came, especially The Man Called Flintstone, since I've never seen the full movie, only the end 20 times. It used to be shown on Cartoon Network 3 times every year, but I would only be able to catch the last 5 minutes. Finally, I'll be able to see why Fred and Barney are in a rocket aimed at the moon and who the guy in the vulture suit is and why he's in that. Later.
Friday, December 28, 2012
So today I went to church, enjoyed TV, and stuff. Tomarrow I'll work on getting a job. And I decided that on the 20th before midnight, I'll do a live stream enjoying the end of the world. My brother has a bunch of bottle caps from his root bear, so we're financially set like in Fallout. Later.
Today was painful. Really painful. For starters I got a wart frozen on my foot. Now the area the wort is on is super callased, so initially I don't feel anything, at first. Then things got really painful. I was like "boy I don't fee anything. Now it's a little cold-OOOOOHHHH MY THAT HURTS REALLLY BAD!!!!!!!!" I got freezer burn on my foot. It hurt for a long time. Good thing I'm acustomed to walking on the blade of my foot. After the wart, I got alergy tested. That's 50 or so pricks on my back with alergens to test for alergies. Last time I was tested I was found severly alergic to most everything from just the pricks. This time I was only found on trees and grasses and some other things from the back. Good right, only so much itching right? Wrong. That which doesn't show up positive gets a more concentrated, general dose, injected into your arms. Because I got more negatives this time, I got way mor shots into my arm, like 20 as opposed to the origional 4. Here's my pain tolerances. I get less and less tollerant from my shoulders as I go down. Feel next to nothing at my shoulders, but hurts like crazy when it gets close to my elbows or lower back right above my pelvis. Also below my shoulder blades, it hurts the further I get away from my spine, like close to spine not much, but on my love handles/floating ribs hurts like crazy. Shoulder blades and spine area are where I get most of my zits, so the pain tolerance is much higher around there.
Well after all that fun, I enjoyed the new PS3. I played Fat Princess and Uncharted, really fun games. Why we didn't get one of these earlier instead of the 360? Well that's because my brother wanted to talk and play with his friends when playing Call of Duty and maybe halo. Whatever I didn't know it'd be this fun. Later.
Well after all that fun, I enjoyed the new PS3. I played Fat Princess and Uncharted, really fun games. Why we didn't get one of these earlier instead of the 360? Well that's because my brother wanted to talk and play with his friends when playing Call of Duty and maybe halo. Whatever I didn't know it'd be this fun. Later.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
So today was our break day. I watched TV, played the new PS3, found a great game to download game. I'm gonna get it and later do a review. It's Retro City Rampage. It's an 8-bit GTA sort of game with so many references to old school games. Dad, bro and I were going to go to a dinner close to our house that neither dad nor I went to so our first time. Problem was is that they are closed untill the day after I leave back for college. Our family went to Applebies for dinner. It was great. Later.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Today was fun. We did our Christmas thing with my grandparents like we do every year on Christmas eve. It was fun. More details tomarrow. Went to Christmas Eve mass. Cleaned up for the party tomarrow.Later.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Didn't do much today. I cleaned up for Christmas. Got caught up on Tenchi and Eureka since I've fallen behind. Heard a great thing about describing the country with Obama second term; "USA Windows Vista Edition." Later.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
So today I went to a funeral. It was really nice. I didn't know the guy that well since he's my aunt's second husbands dad and I just didn't know him all that well, but it was a really nice ceremony. The luncheon was at a country club, so I jokingly said "it's been a while since I've been in a county club," refering to my first job as a cadie. He was a veteran so there was a military thing with the honor guard and that was really nice. They had the flag on the caskit and played taps and presented the flag to the family. After that we went and visited my uncle's grave since the cemetary he's in is close to the one we were at. That was hard on me since I was really close to him. I went with my mom out shopping because she needed to do some last minute shopping. Later.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Happy end of the world. I spent time with my grandparents today. I went to the orthadontist and got my retainers. My grandparents took me to golden corral and it was yummy. Not much else. Later.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Happy end of the world. To comemorate, I'm going to be on blogTV broadcasting the last hours of life as we know it. You heard it here first, today at 11pm, live show. Today I emailed to people about an internship this summer. I organized my N64 games into my shelf in my bacement I need to get a wire rack for standard CD jewel cases since that's what PlayStation and Dreamcast games are on. I've got a wire rack for DVD cases so it's good for my PS2 and GameCube games but not jewel case games. I worked at getting some demos and videos on my XBOX360. I also went to a gun shop with my dad to look at 22 rifles. That was a cool place. There were some right wing bumperstickers on the counter. Felt good. Later.
Pokematic- Broadcast your self LIVE
Pokematic- Broadcast your self LIVE
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
I got up at 6 today to take my brother to school and get the car. It was interesting watching married with children on TV. I worked on my reasume and sent it out to people. It went well. I got to hang out with my best friend today. I got to try his wii u and zomby u is a great use of the game's controls. It's all real time and stuff. I had some fun with my brother when I got back and we went to McDonalds to eat off the dollar menue. I ended up getting a McRib since I've never had one, but had my colleges version of it. So good. Later.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
So today I worked on my reasume and cover letter. I moved the last of the standard def consoles down to the standard def tv. Now all I need to do is get them wired. I went to my brother's band concert and it was fun seeing people from high school. Had a med check and talked to my dad about getting a 22 rifle. Later.
Monday, December 17, 2012
So today I worked on my resume and cover letter. I think I have my reasume mostly done but I've got work to do on the cover letter. I listed some things on my ebay store. Hope they sell. Saw an old friend. It was fun catching up even though it was just for a half an hour. Later.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Today was fun. My family and I dipped pretzels, cookies, and...pretzels in chocolate today to give as gifts. Fun time. We had a family fire in our fire place. I went to the salvation army with my brother today and that was fun. I looked for a shelve/case thing for my games since I need a new one. They had a fileing cabinet but I want something that displays the collection a little better. Later.
Friday, December 14, 2012
So I came home today. Enjoyed watching Shaolin Soccer
on the way home. Also wrote some of a script of what a friend and I are gonna make. Went to a local pizza place and it's great. Enjoyed it a lont. Later.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
So today was get all my stuff packed up day. I wanted to watch some hulu/crackle movies, but the day got away from me. Oh well did do some major clean-up and stuffs. Later.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Happy last consecutive month day year date for another 89 years or something. I had my last 3 finals today. I had my first one at 8, second at 10:15, and 3rd at 2:45. For my stats class, let me put it this way, my null hypothesis is "I won't do well on the final," 95% confidence so 2-tail test test statistic of 1.96, and my critical value is 5. Now for you who don't know stats, that means that I think I did really well. I walked out of calc thinking "I blew that out of the water." Statics, one question I'm not to confident on. One guy told me what he was doing for some of the questions, and after trying to explain what he did wrong, I'm just thinking to myself, "you sir, failed with falling greyscale." I didn't say it because that would be a dick move, but no one reads this thing. I also waked by a guy who was smoking after his final, and one guy asked him what he was doing. Here's what I was thinking.
Sorry about the language of this post. Later.
Sorry about the language of this post. Later.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
So today I had no finals, but 3 tomarrow. I studied, and studied, and then reached full capacity at about 5 pm. Later.
Monday, December 10, 2012
So today I had my Physics final. It went fine, I think. The last problem I blanked on how to do. I had like 45 minutes left in the test. I took 30 minutes to figure out how to do it. I think I did it right. I finished doing the cheat sheets for my stats class. We're alowed 2 cheat sheets for the test. I got about 2 lines of text per blue line. Later.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
So I went to church, and studied my butt off. At abotu 5, after studying since 10, I shouted uncle. I feel prety prepaired, just got to do some last minute stuff. I also waited in line for 20 minutes in my dorm for a pancake. It was free, and good. Later.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Today, major studying. I ate, watched a few youtube videos here and there to break up the studying so I don't overheat my brain, and close to 8 hours of studying for finals. 3 on calc, 5 on stats. I'm gonna do the same tomarrow. On a hapier note, I found the title of a movie I saw once many years ago but couldn't for the life of me remember the name. It's quest for camelot, and the only thing I remember is a thing about the 3 rings, and a chicken ax. Later.
Friday, December 7, 2012
So today was the last day of classes. No more phys, statics, or calc. Still got the finals but classes done. If I don't come here in the next few days, don't worry, just nose to the grind. Later.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
So today was calc, phys lecture and lab. Phys lab was super hard. So glad that that's over. Also had last film makers meeting tonight. Got to see the work print of our short film. I'm a back ground character, so look for my fadora and sunglasses when it's done. Later.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Today I had statics, physics, and stats. Statics we took a test. I didn't prepair for it, but this time around I knew what I was doing. I'm feeling high 90s since I alwayse seem to screw some minor thing up and get a point knocked off. Physics we did this test thing to see how well we knew physics for future lessons or something. It was stuff we covered, and would get averaged into our test grade if it helped, but wouldn't if it hurt. Stats was go over some linear regression stuff and what might be on the final. I missplaced my phone and realized this on the bus to engineering campus. I thought it might have fallen out of my pocket in physics, so I'm freaking out a little. I had all my stuff ready to spend some quality time at emgineering campus and do homework, but I instead go back after stats and first look to see if I could get into the room to check. Then when I couldn't, I go back to my room and check my desk, since that's where I tend to leave it. Not there, so I'm freaking out. I glance over at the futon and there it is. Yay. Got all my homework done before 5, so then I was like, "now what?" since my medication for ADHD is good untill about 7. Oh well. Went to the last gathering of college republicans of the semester tonight. Fun times. Later.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Today went quite well. Calc got cancled because senior design project presentations. We get there, and our room is being used. There's a schedule of who's going to be there, and they're going on during our class period. My professor didn't know about it, so he was suprised like us. He said "well I guess class is cancled for today. I will post the lecture notes online so look them over when you can." Sure I waist an hour comuting since it's a 30ish minute bus ride one way. Oh well, no class. I had phys lecture. Nothing special there. Stats lab was cool. We had a SUPER hard assignment to do after the "lecture" part where we learn how to do it in minitab and such. And I mean this was super hard, like I'm not sure I did it corectly. We had to sign our name and then check a box to get 20 points for lab credit. I wanted to put an "x" or go zorro and put a "z" but the directions clearly indicated a check. After that I did homework, stats and calc. I got my stats done and have some more calc to do. Later.
Monday, December 3, 2012
So today was calc, stats, statics, and phys. Had stats test today. I feel ok, like I'll pull a decent grade. I ran out of time for the last problem and think I may have studdied a few of the wrong things. I spent some good time working on calc and statics homework. I am so ready for this semester to be over. Good news for me. One of my posts made it to the front page of 9gag today. Wasn't origional content but oh well. Later.
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