Friday, April 18, 2014


Today was hard. I had my classes, sort of. Circuits was a review. Sim was a 15 minute review, and after no one had questions, my professor was basically like "ok, so class is over, if you have questions for the next class or this one, come to my office ours." I spent hours fixing the final ergo paper, going crazy. I even started flailing my arms going crazy while sitting in the main café. That was bad. I turned in the ergo paper. All good. I went to Good Friday mass with my one friend. Good to go to church.

Now things were crazy. I had to wake up 30 minutes early so I could print off my circuits paper. I dreamt I was eating like this sheet of bacon, and it was some amazing bacon. When the alarm when off, I literally said "my bacon" in a sad tone. I printed off the circuits paper no problem. Then I spent hours fixing the ergo paper. So much stress. My one partner, I don't really know why, he just kind of always finds a way to stress me out. He means well, but the stress just comes with him. Well after that, I start going crazy. Super hyper. I start singing and dancing a little. I flail my arms, twitch, and just overall bad. After turning in the paper and going back to my dorm, the stress left me, and also left me with a major crash. I was fighting to get back without collapsing. I then "defragged" as I like to call it. It's basically like defragging a hard drive, but I do it with my brain. There was a lot more flailing and I basically had to exorcise my stress. At the end of the day I made this short little vlog. Enjoy my craziness.


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