Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Well today didn't start any better. I had some trouble sleeping last night because it was so hot. I ended up sleeping on the floor for a couple hours because it was cooler than my bed. I also woke up feeling sick. Dehydrated most likely, and tired. I also felt REALLY sweaty and hot, so I got in the shower and just let some cold water run over me. It felt great. For the dehydration, I got some Gatorade for breakfast, and fruit loops. Well after leaving I felt nauseous. Luckily I was close to a door outside because I blew chunks hard. Because I'm a curious engineer and the food wasn't very digested, I looked at it to see if I could figure out what was disagreeing with me. I felt better after puking, but that lasted long enough to get back to my room. I drank some water, found my little garbage bags for when I feel the need to barf again, and lied down on the cool floor. I dry heaved some water and whatever else was left in my stomach. I felt much better after that, like I might actually be able to function today. I don't know what I came down with. I went to the dorm caf again, and this time had some honey nut cheerios and water, because that will be much easier on the stomach and I needed to eat something. I had mechanics of materials at 12 at the engineering campus, and it was kind of hard. Not like the material was difficult, just that I was super tired and hungry. Luckily just syllabus day and a little review content. After class I got a soft pretzle without salt, a bottle of water, and a jumbo rice crispy treat, because all of those would be easy on my stomach. I made the right choice because now all my tiredness was the result of not really eating anything all day, and not sleeping well. I had my history class and it looks like it's going to be an interesting class. I had a grilled cheese after that class, and it was calm. I also had "steak" for dinner because that's what we had at the caf. Now I'm just relaxing. Later.

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