Saturday, October 15, 2011


Friday I went to my classes. I went to see blithe spirit. I did drive safe kalamazoo. I had some funny things happen with drive safe kalamazoo. I came home at 4 am and ate ramen. Crashed watching george Lopez at 5 and slept until 1 pm. It is kind of weird waking up and eating a cheeseburger and fries first thing when you wake up.

Well I did homework and skyped my parents. I then wrote 2 blog entries, 1 chronicling my day yesterday and 1 reviewing the play I saw yesterday. I always love it when I can write corresponding entries like that. I mean I always write a post on your3minutes when I write a post for my other blogs, but love it when pokematics blog and ccpandhgvideos corresponds because then it's like I'm telling you about the story of getting there and then what happened there. Double the work but double the fun.

And here's an interesting conundrum I thought of while listening to stairway to heaven backwards. No it wasn't "is this really what was meant or is it as real as English class symbolism?" It was, "if I sing the backwards lyrics like they appear as people say they are, will it sound like the original when played backwards?" I need to try that sometime.

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