Saturday, September 27, 2014


Well, it got worse. I was able to fix the "cell auto update" issue I had with my excel sheet. Today was the day that we were going to meet with our senior design sponsors. The senior design project is the big "this is everything that you learned in your major, it's for all the marbles" project for all engineering students in my college. Well my group drives out to the company at 6:50AM, dressed in business casual to make a good impression. We get there, and there's not really anything there. There's a building there, but only 1 car. One of my partners checks his email to find out what the name of the guy we're going to be meeting with is, and apparently the plant burned down and they're going to be out for the count for next several months. The big fire happened on Thursday, a day before we were scheduled to meet with them. Our senior design sponsor burned to the ground. This is fucking crazy. Now we need to start from square 1 and find us a new sponsor. At least our professor understands and is not expecting us to be where everyone else is for the presentation on Monday.

Now, onto "I hate this fucking lab" news. So I have the cells auto updating again, but guess what, I screwed up a couple of calculations and now I have to redo some sections. The section where I was getting amazing mean squared errors, well I was comparing it to the wrong things. Now I have to find new values for that. Oh, and there's another section where I used the wrong variation, so I have to do that part over. I fucking hate this lab. Later.

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