Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Oh man, today hit me like a brick wall. I had a little trouble falling asleep last night, so not the most restful. Stupid drunk people being super loud. Then they didn't have my tea in the dinning hall. I like lemon and black, and occasionally raspberry. I don't like earl grey, or cinnamon blend, or any of that. So I didn't have my morning wake-up and kidney kickstarter. Oh well. I got my stuff and headed to the bus stop. Now I'm not complaining about the cold. I had my nice warm hat and fluffy winter jacket and boots, but the icicles that formed on my beard and mustache and the below freezing temperature air being inhaled, not fun. Then, oh man, class almost non-stop from 9:30 AM to 3:10 PM, and that's only because the lab got out early. By the end of the day I was having trouble interacting with the world. I was getting the picture and audio, but I wasn't interacting. I need to bring more food for my bag lunch and remember to bring a water bottle. I know it's dehydration. I took a shower right when I got back, because when I get dehydration headaches, the water and steam like takes the head pain and distributes it to the rest of my body, so instead of hydraulic presses on my temples, I get basically a text books sitting on other parts of my body. Reentry. Oi. Luckily tomorrow I have the day to catch-up. Later.

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