Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Today was alright. I started my service learning thing. I had my mechanics of materials and history of the world classes. In my history reading from last night, I read a thing about the Phoenicians being "purple people" and I asked if the song "flying purple people eater" had anything to do with that, and my professor just did not have a response. I seriously wanted to know. After reading that all I could think was "does flying purple people eater have anything to do with Phoenicians? Like is this based off some obscure Greek mythical creature and it was some way for to make people cautious around Phoenicians, and was later adapted to a silly children's song?" Apparently not. I also had a job fair, and Monsanto Seeds was recruiting. When the recruiter asked me if I heard about Monsanto, it took everything in me to not say "yeah the hippies tell me you're evil." I also rigged up something to keep my permanent bracelet hidden up my sleeve. Later.

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