Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Today was quite good. I did my volunteering, and that was alright. Then I went to a job fair at my college, and that's when things went really well. I talked to some companies, a lot of companies, and some really liked me, and others were "OK, cool story bro, but we're not looking for full time right now." Where were you guys these last 4 years? Anyway, one recruiter kind of had the wrong assumptions of what I was looking for. He was kind of nervous/hesitant in giving me the information. I gave him my spiel about how I love continuous improvement, and making things better. He started out asking me where I wanted to work, and I said "anywhere, I'm open to relocation." Then he was telling me that I might be in a small town, they have a lot of plants in small towns, so I might not live in a big cultural metropolis. I'm like "OK, I don't really care about that I just want a job, what kind of things do you have for industrial engineers?" Then he started telling me about this management rotation program where we try out like 4 different management positions and they figure out what management we would be best at, and asked if it interested me. I'm like "not really, management isn't really my thing. I want to get out on the floor, learn the process inside and out, and ask myself 'how can I make this better?'" That opened things up. He was then like "oooohhhhhh, we got that in droves. That's basically my job, here's what I do...." I said "yeah, that's what I want to do, that's what I love doing." I then missed my history of the world class because I miss-budgeted my time. I thought class was at 3 when thinking about when I had to leave the job fair, but class was at 2 and I've never been late. Ironic. But good leads. Later.

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