Sunday, March 8, 2015


Today was a nice easy day. I watched some Hulu, played some video games, and skyped my brother. I was on a panel for "remembering the PS2 15 years later" and I was the resident "PS2 fanatic," seeing that I love the PS2 and am working on a complete collection. It was fun. Watch it here. I also watched the latest episode of "Last Man on Earth." I'm not sure if I like where the series is going. End of episode 1 add a female companion, OK, I can accept that. They would have trouble writing an entire TV show that only has 1 actor. The main character isn't Tom Hanks, so he wouldn't be able to handle it. But now they're adding another female, no, just stop. If you want to have a plucky friend that helps them get in situations, OK, whatever. Give "Luise" a friend. I would rather her not be there, but if you need a 3rd character to help have characters bounce around, I will accept that. But if you add more characters, then this isn't a show about "the last man on earth," it's going to be the last people on earth, and they're going to build some kind of society, and it'll end up being just another dystopian future story. 3 people at most will still leave enough for "we're at the end and alone on earth;" any more and it's just a dystopian future with a tribe of people. Later.

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