Sunday, September 22, 2019


Sorry I've been away so long, need to get back to this.
This weekend was very productive. On Saturday I went shopping at the meat market and Ollie's bargain outlet. Mskate heard they sometimes have these special activity/toy books for good prices and I said I would have a look next time I went. I got her a Dora book and Beauty and the Beast book for her clients for a great price, and then I did some shopping of my own stocking up on soap, shampoo, glass cleaner, and snacks. I always seem to buy more than I intended when I go there, but I only buy consumables so it's not like my house is full of nick-nacks. I also had some coupons for the meat market, and stocked up on meat. Once I got home I realized I still have plenty of meat, but I have a deep freeze so it's not like I'm losing anything. I also cleaned my bathrooms, which needed some TLC.

On Sunday I organized my kitchen some (mainly straitening out my pile of bags I use as trash bags) and cooked some of the meat I got at the meat market (bacon and hamburgers, yum). I also went to church like I always do, and after church stopped at the grocery store to get some frosting (and I picked up some perogies, just because I wanted some). Why did I pick-up frosting? Because I was going to try home made donuts again. Last time I tried them they turned out too heavy, too much flour not enough wet ingredients. This time I used a little extra milk and double the egg (basically made a half batch but with the same amount of egg). They turned out much better this time, and the frosting made them even better. I still have some experimenting to do, but I'll be ready to make my gluten free ones for mskate on Thursday. Yay.

Now for "online persona" stuff, because I got a lot done as well. Friday was the scheduled Area 51 raid (look up Area 51 raid if you don't know the meme). I memed it with these 2 images. The first was "I'm here to see aliens and play steam game, and I don't have steam game."
Then I made this one saying "Some Secrets are better left unknown."

I'm always one to join in on the meme trend.

I also got a lot of videos made and uploaded. I got an anime review on Digimon Frontier and a Toonami review on Promised Neverland uploaded. I recorded and uploaded a catholiccontriversy video on EyeOfSol's latest conundrum. I recorded and rendered my Toonami review for Sword Art Online Alicization and Fathom review for Promare. If I don't upload them tonight I'll get them up tomorrow. Felt very productive this weekend. Tomorrow I'll process my meat as well, because I have a lot to process and it'll keep in my fridge. Later.

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