Sunday, October 28, 2018

10/26-10/28/2018 meating an internet friend IRL

First, sorry I've been distant. I've been busy with other things I forgot to do this. Anyway, time for the fun stuff.

First off, Friday night. Oh man, this was great. I met my internet friend Sky/Right. She and her husband were somewhat close to me for a medieval sword fighting thing. It wasn't much of Sky's thing, so we hung out basically all night. I got to the city before them, so I did some exploring. I went to the salvation army and found a SpongeBob game on PlayStation for 21 cents. Wow, that was a great deal. I also found a steal book of Deadpool 2 at best buy. Great finds.

Now for the fun. We basically hung out at her hotel for 5 hours. Like, we thought about maybe exploring the town, but there wasn't much that I found, and it was just fun talking. What was really fun was we discussed politics and religion in a very civilized, calm way. There are many things we agree on, but there are some things we disagree on, and the discussion of those things while using that which we agree on to explain our points of difference. It was REALLY fun, and I got to go back to the roots of catholiccontriversy (discussing religion and what I believe). We also filmed some videos, which you will see at some point. We did a video for my channel, a video for her channel, and just some vlogging fun.

Saturday was also fun. I had my grandpa's 91st birthday. My parents, brother, and I went to my aunt's to see Grandpa. We visited and did some chores for my aunt, but since I was so tired from the night before I took a nap. We went to church and I made sure my grandpa didn't fall. Then for dinner we had beef stew. Here's a good story, my aunt was wondering how much to make since she bought 3 things of beef; Grandpa said "make it all," and at the end of the meal it was all gone. It was a fun little time together.

Sunday was quieter. I basically did some chores around the house. I'm not a complete and total slob, but I have a high tolerance to mess. Just a typical bachelor, just without the empty beer containers (I prefer wine, because I'm classy like that). I also went to McDonalds for lunch, to buy happy meals, because Pokémon toys. I bought 2. They accidentally gave me Hello Kitty toys, so I had to exchange them. I also went through my coupon envelope removing the expired and putting in the new ones. Later.

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