Saturday, April 11, 2015

4/10/15 Crazy safe ride story

Hey, sorry I've been neglecting this blog. I've just been really busy and this isn't a top priority. I'll probably be gone again until the end of the semester. Projects man, just projects. Well, here's a little story from probably my craziest time doing the safe ride community service. I had some interesting patrons and saw some crazy things, like a drunk girl running towards the party house, try to jump over the curb, miss, fall on the ground, and then chose to stay on the ground because then she didn't have to fight gravity. But that's nothing compared to these patrons.
We picked up I'm guessing a grad student and his friend. They were new age hippies. Well, the lady was, the man I'm not sure. Now when I say hippy, I mean hippy. She was convinced that vaccines cause autism, and that the government wants to control the food you can grow so they can control your mind, and "we need to march against the man," and "I've lived on the streets, I know who I can trust." Not only was she very vocal in her opinion, she was also quite plastered. Her sentences were not very coherent. Her friend was also quite plastered, and oblivious to social norms. Like, he said we were taking him to his brothers house where his brother killed a guy. WHAT???!!!! We normally drop people off in places relatively close to campus. There's different apartment complexes and rented houses. Well, we drive to a neighborhood that's outside the city limits, and is a little sketchy. Like, not inner city hood sketcy, but red neck "there's probably a meth lab in one of these houses" sketchy. It was rather uncomfortable. Not "I'm afraid for my life" uncomfortable, but "oh what did we get ourselves into?" uncomfortable. I didn't think they had any weapons, and even if they did, they weren't with it enough to use them effectively. Well, after all is said and done, they tipped us really well. We got $36 from that ride, so there's that. We won the tip contest of the night.
I've done the safe ride thing for 4 years now, and have had probably over 100 people, and they were the most interesting. Later.

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