Sunday, June 1, 2014


Today was fun. I went to an old high school and boy scout friend's grad party and eagle court of honor. The court of honor was held at the rec center I used to be a janitor at. My family made some jokes about "natural instinct to clean the place." During the eagle court there was a section where they told stories about the scout. They told the story about when I accidentally poured bacon grease on his hand. We don't remember who's bright idea that was, but we both thought it was a good idea, and we can laugh about it now. Luckily they didn't say it was me that did the pouring in front of everyone. Yeah, that really happened. After the eagle court I saw mskate. Her dog met an unfortunate end. Her entire family is frazzled. I saw her for moral support. She's taking it hard, but she's a trooper. After that, I went to the eagle's grad party. It was fun. I saw some old scout friends. Good time. Later.

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