Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Today was good. Sold 4 more artworks, 1 buy it now and 3 bids. I shipped the 2 I sold yesterday. I got my haircut. I finished Tenchi Muyo GXP and got caught up on toonami episodes of One Piece, AND watched all 6 episodes of this awesome series called "The Yard." Really funny series, like a Disney's Recess for adults. Also got my grades. All A's so 4.0. Later.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Today was ok. I listed about 80 items on ebay today. I already sold 1, yay. I put the new cases on the home movies. I found out that my internship isn't going to happen, so now I need to find a new one. Oh well. Later.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Today was cool. Enjoyed my night in my own bed. Enjoyed my muffin. Enjoyed the steak dinner we had. We finished sorting my college stuff. Yay. I played some video games. I bid on Pikmin 2 for GameCube and I think I have it, but need to wait till tomorrow to find out if I won. Later.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Oh today was nice. I slept in my bed and today I processed my college stuff. My dad and I fixed my grandpa's TV. His speakers on his TV crapped out, so we brought a set of computer speakers to fix it. We needed to go to Radio Shack to get proper adapters. We spend $17 on adapters. We could have done it for $5 by getting the stuff from Amazon, but $12 is the price of continence to fix my grandpa's TV. Still better than a $200 new TV or $60 sound bar. Later.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Wooo hoooo, finals are ovah. Yeah I spelled "over" "ovah" but it's my blog and I don't care. Got my room all packed up. I'll be sure to take some video. So glad it's all done. Now I go home. Later.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Finals are going fine. My brain's on strike so I won't be doing any more cramming. No problem since I know the stuff anyways. So far I've had adults with disabilities, work design, and myths. Now probability and econ. Wish me luck. Later.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
No I didn't get high on 4/20. I actually studied my butt off, working on my myths paper, wrote the "cheat sheet" for my work design class, and reviewed some of my myths content. Didn't bother going over bullshit beitalheim and sigmund fraud. Later.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Today was OK. I finished writing my myths paper and now all I need to do is site everything. Tomorrow I will study for myths and tales and work design. Sunday I will study for econ, probability, and disabilities. Later.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Today I had 2 presentations, one in Myths and Tales and one in Work Design. People liked my joke about why I'd not applying a psychoanalytic approach; "while you guys might get 85-90% of the symbols with explanation, I'm lucky if I can correctly guess 25% of them, and to get me to do an explanation, well you have a better chance of Freud talking about something other than sex." Work design went well. After presenting, I was thinking "man it'd be great if I had a laser pointer that had a 'slide advance' and a 'slide back' button. I should invent one, that's a great idea." Then I check Amazon and there are at least 20 pages of results, all the front page being exactly what I was thinking. Lol. Later
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Today was great. Today, 3 of my 4 classes were canceled, and the only class I had was my super easy econ class. My probability and work design classes were canceled because of the senior design presentations. I got extra credit for attending. Yay. I had lots of time to work on my paper, and I have it finished, all 48 pages. I printed it all off. After that I worked some on my Myths paper. Then I watched some TV and surfed the web. Later
Monday, April 15, 2013
Sunday, April 14, 2013
This weekend was hell. I spent all of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday writing my final paper for work design. I spent at least 24 hours on it. I've probably spent 30 hours on it, much of it was in strait 5 hour periods. I think I was supposed to be working on it all throughout the semester, but with the project it's based on and all my other work, aint no body got time fo dat. Oh well. It's finished and now just needs to have some final things put in it.
Friday night was OK though. I watched Star Wars Episode IV
with some guys and that was fun. On Saturday I watched the anime on toonami and that was fun. Now watching animation domination on FOX. Later.
Friday night was OK though. I watched Star Wars Episode IV
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Today, ok. I had my work design test, and that went well. I had probability and econ and that was fine. But when I got back to my dorm, I realized that I need to write my paper for work design, and it's due Thursday and I haven't done much of anything with it. I don't know if I'll sleep this weekend. And just to let you guys know, I'll probably go off line until after finals. Later.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Another tuesday, another hell day. Work design, probability, econ, and adults with disabilities. But to offset the hell, I found a box of VHS tapes that were being thrown out. I would have just left them there, but they had really good cases, so I'm going to replace all, or most, of the home movie cardboard dust covers with these high durability plastic cases. Now I need to do some research on these tapes to see if there's something valuable on these tapes, like some sort of exclusive interview or presentation with a celebrity alumni. It's not likely, but I've read enough diamond in the ruff dumpster dive stories to know that I can't overlook it. Later.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Today was long. I worked on my cheat sheet for my work design test. I also worked some on my myths and tales project. Then I worked on my project for work design. My partner and I were reorganizing the syrup lines. Now my back hurts. Later.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Today was really boring. I read my reading in my adults with disabilities class. It took me all freaking day. I woke up at about 10, started my day at 11, and did my reading until about 4:30. I then checked emails and stuff before eating dinner and going to my Pokemon league. That was fun. After that and Cartoon Planet, I started doing laundry, cause I need to. Later.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Today kind of tough. I had work design, probability, and econ. I was brain dead throughout probability. It was kind of funny since I participate a fair amount in the class, mainly cross checking the teacher's work, but I was having trouble getting a coherent sentence out. I got my labels made for my work design project, I also finished reading 1 chapter of my disabilities reading. My mom and grandparents were scheduled to come up this weekend so they could take some of my stuff home but since I'm quite stressed with projects and homework, it'd be bad for me to see them. I'd snap and things wouldn't be good. Later.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Today, meh. I did homework, some, had my myths and tales class, worked on work design, and had my college republicans meeting. My Indian friend made beef curry and invited me to have dinner. It was good, a little spicy, but good. Unfortunately it's sitting pretty heavily. Oh well. Later.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Oh today was long. Work design, probability, econ, and adults with disabilities. During disabilities, my ADHD meds compleatly wore off. I'm fidgiting, playing with my pen, at one point I almost climbed on top of the table. There was something about how affirmative action is bad, and it took all that was in me to not say "all I know is that it sucks for us middle class white guys." Later.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Sorry I don't have a joke for today. No "I'm replacing Charley Sheen" on 2 and a half men this year. I did get my grandma since she loves April Fools. I told her I missed my train back to college. She fell for it for a minute. I enjoyed my time with my family this easter, but I had to leave today on the train at 6 AM to get back in time for my 2 PM class. I got back at about 10 AM. I think it's the combination of not much food, tiredness, and reentry that made me really tired today. Oh well, got my homework done so fine. Later.
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