Monday, December 23, 2019


Today kind of sucked. I set-out to get some chores done, mainly clean my cast iron pan and prepare and prepackage the vegetables for my beef and vegetable soup recipe while I watch Durarara. First the cast iron pan. Since I cooked bacon in it there was some pretty stuck-on grease, and since you can't use soap on cast iron I decided to loosen it with boiling. Well it got out of hand and started boiling over. I rush it to the sink but still spilled a lot of water. That was a mess I didn't want to clean up, but I did. Well then to dry it good I decided to use heat, aka put it on the burner and boil off any water. Well something was still on it because it started to smoke, REALLY bad to the point that it set off the smoke detector. When this happens I get the pan out on my deck where it can cool and smoke go off into the sky. To get rid of the smoke I turned on my air filter and set-up my window fan and turned on my furnace fan (just to suck-up the smoke and send it to the filter. Well the window fan kept falling out of my window and making a BIG noise on the table it kept hitting (it also dented the wood of the table, which sucks).

Now for the vegetable prep. Chopping up the vegetables wasn't a problem, but I put a lot of the onion and garlic skin and carrot and celery tailings down my garbage disposal. Well that ended up clogging my disposal, to the point where water wouldn't go down. Trying to work the disposal did something to it where it started leaking out the bottom, so now I have a leak under my sink. I put one of my 2 gallon buckets under it to catch all the water, but it was really annoying. I bought a pipe snake and tried snaking out the drain, but I couldn't find the part that went to the piping and where the clog was. I tried using a plunger on it, but the clog was SOOO tight I wasn't able to get any pressure down it. I poured drain cleaner in the backed up water, and fished out what I could with the snake, but it wasn't doing any good. I would turn it on intermittently but all it seemed to do was spin water around. Eventually the clog loosened up and drained, and now it seems to be working, but it was touch and go for a little bit, like I thought I was going to need to call a plumber over on emergency. At this point I'm just not going to use that side of the sink until after the holidays and I can get a plumber to fix it.

Now what of Durarara? Well something happened with the hulu app on my TV and the episode got caught in a loop, resulting in me watching the same episode like 4 times. Since I was a bit preoccupied I didn't really notice, and I thought it was one of those "we're stuck in a time loop" things, but no, I watched episode 19 like 4 times, and on the 4th time I said "OK, I know I've seen this episode before," and when I went to the show page it took me to episode 20. I'm tired. Later.

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