Sunday, November 18, 2018


This was a somewhat eventful weekend. Friday night was something. As I was driving home I went buy my local bowling alley, and someone was having a fund raiser that night; $20 for 2 hours of bowling with shoe rental, pizza, and pop included. I didn't realize all that was included, but I like fund raisers, and it's been years since I've been bowling (I think I was in high school last time I went). It was quite fun, and I got a lot of exercise. See, I didn't have anyone to bowl with, so I just kept throwing the ball down the lane for 2 hours. I managed to bowl like 6 strikes in the 8 games I played, and some spares that would have been strikes had I not thrown a gutter ball prior. What was great was I got basically a double in the 10th frame of one game, but I threw a gutter ball prior, so it was just a spare. Oh well. I also threw some "gutter ball glories" (double gutter balls), because I'm not that good. I broke 100 on my 2nd game, yay. The fund raiser was a girl scout project, and I had a little small talk with the parents about how I myself was in boy scouts. They were happy their signs worked since I think everyone else there were either friends or acquaintances. And it's not like it was a "rip-off;" I would happily pay $20 for 2 hours of bowling with shoe rental and pizza included even without helping a cause. I became sore afterwards unfortunately though.

Saturday was pretty good. I filmed an episode of the peanut butter podcast with Bio (watch here). Uploading was kind of crazy, because my power surged in the last 30 minutes so I had to splice them together and after a 1.6 hour render it didn't work, so I had to redo it, and then it didn't upload right the first time. Oh well, I still got it. Sky was also going to join us, but her power was out so it was just Bio and I. Hopefully next time. I also fried up some bacon, so that was good. I also went to church. I normally don't go on Saturday, but I felt like going. Not much else beyond that.

Sunday was good. I had the pareon call with Bio's and my "mutual friend." That was a fun time. I did some editing on my vidme documentary. I finished 2 of the parts (less some stuff I need to record myself) with one part that basically self-edited. I played some spiderman PS4. I went shopping and got some "clearance, at the sell by date" food in addition to what I went in for. Yay. Later.